Mass production DONE mmmyeaahh!
Wooting 60HE production completed 🎉
A moment to savour, the hard work and patience has paid off. Now it's heading towards our warehouses by Air and Sea freight for local and international distribution.
If you had upgraded to air freight, then I expect your order to ship before the 20th of June. Otherwise I expect your order to ship close to the 15th of July.
⚠️ Double check your shipping address ⚠️
You need to double check your order information and shipping address on the Wooting Hub. You want to be ahead of any possible issues with that final shipment, a wrong shipment address will delay unnecessarily delay your order.
Also make sure that your shipping address or name does not contain any special characters (Japanese, Chinese). The new fulfillment centre (in the Netherlands) is not able to properly format these and it would save some communication.
You can easily edit the shipping address yourself through the Wooting Hub. If you don't have a Wooting Hub account yet, make sure to use the same email as your order. Otherwise you can also add orders you have on a different email address with the "Transfer Order" in "My Orders".
If there's any specific issue that you're not able to achieve with the address edit, you can always reach out to customer service social@wooting.io.
60% Travel case & Linear 50 springs
While you're in the Wooting Hub, you can now also upgrade your order with the 60HE travel case and/or Lekker Linear 50 springs. These are now also purchasable on the Wooting store. Simply hop into your order and you'll see a notification message to add items to your order yourself. If you're not able to make the upgrade or changes you like, you can reach out to customer service.
The Linear 50 springs have a 30gf start and 50gf end, linear. The stock Lekker switch springs have a 40gf start and 60gf end, linear. The packaging only includes the springs, so you'll need to swap them yourself. You can use a regular switch puller and opener. We will also release a Lube and Tool kit soon. More info on the springs and kits coming soon.
Next update in the studio
Next week another update but then from the studio with more information. Or perhaps, the same information with response to any questions from the comments.
If you have any questions you're welcome to contact us or leave a comment below and I'll respond there or in the next video.
