Batch updates

Flamingos in Flight, but not yet landed

Flamingos in Flight, but not yet landed
Flamingos in flight, but not yet landed
@NA-Flamingo @EU-Flamingo
These keycaps, which had previously not passed our quality control expectations, were reworked and hatched into brand new sets. The good news is that they have now passed the quality control checks, and the freight shipments to the US and the EU are en route! However, they have not yet arrived to our fulfillment centers.
Orders including these keycaps can ship starting: 14th of March
(Both US orders and EU orders)
If we're able to get these keycaps into our fulfillment centers and ready to ship sooner than Friday, we'll do so.
Thanks for your patience, on the home stretch now!

80HE White Zinc v2

80HE White Zinc v2
80HE White Zinc v2
Current Preorders, Freight Shipments
All unfulfilled preorders have been swapped to the v2 White Zinc! Each unit has been assigned to a batch based on which fulfillment center will be shipping your order: either NA-MountainGoat, EU-Steenbok, or HK-Shānyáng.
Each prebuilt layout, as well as the separate case, has different ready dates at the factory. Therefore, the batch is further divided into the freight shipment that will take the units from the factory to the fulfillment center.
To sign up to batch notifications for your new allocation, head on over to the My Account section of the Wooting Hub and hit the "Refresh Rewards" button.
Please note: The dates provided below are estimates, and may change as we get closer.
US Fulfillment Center
- 2nd of April: separate cases @NA-MountainGoat-1
- 15th of April: ANSI prebuilts @NA-MountainGoat-2
- 20th of May: ANSI prebuilts @NA-MountainGoat-3
- 5th of June: ANSI prebuilts @NA-MountainGoat-5
EU Fulfillment Center
- 2nd of April: ISO prebuilts, JIS prebuilts, separate cases @EU-Steenbok-0 @EU-Steenbok-1
- 15th of April: ANSI prebuilts @EU-Steenbok-2
- 10th of June: ANSI prebuilts, ISO prebuilts @EU-Steenbok-4
- 19th of June: ISO prebuilts @EU-Steenbok-5
HK Fulfillment Center
- 8th of April: ANSI prebuilts @HK-Shānyáng-2
- 1st of May: ANSI prebuilts @HK-Shānyáng-5
New Orders, Availability
The White Zinc prebuilt keyboards as separate cases will be available for purchase again starting next week!
While all of the previous preorders got allocated before new orders can be placed, the earliest freight shipments still have a lot of units available.
It's tricky to forecast what demand has been pent up, unable to order this version since October. However, I expect that it will still be possible to order units allocated to the first arriving batches listed above for at least a few weeks.
By the time the last of the freight shipments listed above deliver to their respective fulfillment centers, the White Zinc V2 will be in stock!

ISO Zinc Black 80HE's behind schedule

ISO Zinc Black 80HE's behind schedule
ISO Zinc Black 80HE's behind schedule
Unfortunately, these keyboards are not yet at our fulfillment center. The current expectation is that these keyboards will be ready to ship to customers on the 10th of March.
There is a possibility that the units are ready to go towards the end of next week. That said, I'd rather set the expectation for the 10th of March and possibly pull that forward a few days than be forced to push that date back again.
We're at the home stretch now, hang in there!
Various accessories batches starting shipments
@EU-Nijlpaard @EU-Chocolade
Orders that were waiting on these two accessory batches can now confirm their shipping address via the Wooting Hub and get their orders queued for fulfillment!

Several batches of accessories arrived in the EU

Several batches of accessories arrived in the EU
Several batches of accessories arrived in the EU
Our EU fulfillment center has received quite a few batches of various accessories, and made them ready for individual shipments!
These batches include:
- EU-Varen-1 - W2HEs (ISO)
- EU-Eik - Keycaps: ABS ISO-FR, PBT ISO-DE Black, PBT ISO-DE White, PBT ISO-UK Black
- EU-Kader - 80HE Travel Cases
- EU-Wasbeer - 80HE Plastic Cases; Frost and Black
Orders that were waiting on these accessories have been emailed with a notice that their backorder is ready to ship. If your order was waiting on one of these batches, head on over to the Wooting Hub to confirm that your shipping address is accurate and get your order queued for fulfillment.

Update on 80HE stock in the US

Update on 80HE stock in the US
Update on 80HE stock in the US
All prebuild versions of the 80HE are in stock in the US, but the module is not.
The modules, part of NA-Dolphin-3, are en-route to our fulfillment center but are behind schedule. These modules were previously expected to be ready at the end of February, but that is unfortunately no longer possible. These units are transiting via sea freight.
The estimated date when these units will be ready to ship to customers is now the 19th of March.
You can follow along with the freight shipment by tracking the cargo ship it is traveling on, the GEORG MAERSK.
This updated timeframe does include some extra wiggle room, to account for any remaining step in the logistics process to take longer than normal. Please note that once the vessel arrives at the port of LA, the containers will need to be cleared by customs and then trucked over to our fulfillment center in Las Vegas. Once at the fulfillment center, the bulk pallets will then need to be prepared for individual shipments.
Additionally traveling in this same freight shipment are:
- NA-Dolphin-1 - Preassembled 80HEs
- NA-Frame - 80HE Travel Cases
- NA-Racoon - 80HE Frost Cases
- NA-Fern - W2HEs
- NA-Turtle - 60HEs

Status update on EU fulfillment

Status update on EU fulfillment
Status update on EU fulfillment
This update covers several topics including a general update on our EU fulfillment activities, including the current state, and a look towards the future.
EU Fulfillment Status Check
About two weeks ago, several large batches arrived at the fulfillment center. These freight deliveries made it possible to ship a great many preorders, and brought a number of products in stock.
For those who had preorders, there's a generally understood expectation that it can take a few days, up to a week in some situations, for those to get worked through. It's not optimal, but there's a mutual understanding here.
When a customer places an order for products that are in stock, there's a different expectation. They expect that their order gets packed and shipped in at max a couple days, and they're not wrong to expect this. In fact, Wooting's own shipping policy clearly states: "If your item is in stock, your order is estimated to ship on the next business day."
Wooting failed to uphold that expectation for a large number of customers over the last two weeks, and for that we apologize.
What went wrong?
Some customers experienced delays in fulfillment that cannot be explained with simply "the fulfillment center is working through a backlog of orders." Some in-stock purchases took ten days to get fulfilled, and that's simply unacceptable.
The root cause is due to how our EU fulfillment center's internal system decides which order, of all the orders in queue, should get packed next. Generally speaking, their job is to pack and ship all of the orders they receive as quickly and efficiently as possible. For maximum efficiency, orders get packed based on:
- The items in the order
- The shipping method
- The final destination
- The expected shipping date
Missing from that list is FIFO - first in, first out. The "expected shipping date" is similar to FIFO, but when that date wasn't achieved, that date would update to the next calendar day and have equal priority with other orders, submitted later, with the same expected shipping date.
Historically, that hasn't been an issue because we have been able to manage this based on which orders get submitted for fulfillment, and when. However, as more and more orders are placed for in-stock products, the submission happens automatically and we lost the ability to ensure that the fulfillment center was fully caught up before submitting the next group of orders. In retrospect, our team was actively mitigating a weakness in our fulfillment center's automated system.
Next Steps, Accountability
First and most importantly, all of the backlog of orders in the EU have been packed and shipped.
We have directed our fulfillment center to implement proper FIFO in the logic their system uses to select orders that should get packed next. They have done so immediately, in a way that requires some minor manual intervention. They've committed to implementing this change systemically in the near future.
Wooting has implemented checks on our end to ensure that if any order is taking longer than expected to get fulfilled, it gets flagged to our team internally and we can proactively chase after it.
For the individuals who experienced unacceptable fulfillment times, we want to make that right. While our focus is on making improvements for the future, we will share a token of our appreciation for your patience via email next week.
That eye towards the future means that we are constantly evaluating how we can create the best possible customer experience. Over the next several months, we've got big plans to level up the Wooting Hub in ways that takes transparency and accuracy to the next level. You'll be hearing more about these upgrades soon!

Second Half of Beloega ready to go

Second Half of Beloega ready to go
Second Half of Beloega ready to go
The fulfillment center has been hard at work getting the first half of Beloega shipped, so we're ready to start address confirmations for the second half!
Head on over to the Wooting Hub to get your order queued for fulfillment.
These orders getting queued on a Friday afternoon won't get submitted for fulfillment until Monday

Beluga and Beloega, your time has come!

Beluga and Beloega, your time has come!
Beluga and Beloega, your time has come!
After what feels like an eternity, orders for these separate cases are finally ready to get queued for fulfillment!
Head on over to the Wooting Hub and confirm that your shipping is still accurate after all these long months!
Those of you that are part of EU-Beloega-1, we're still on track to open up address confirmations tomorrow but I'm personally expecting that orders in this group wouldn't get shipped until the start of next week.

EU Fulfillment - upcoming batches and fulfillment queue times

EU Fulfillment - upcoming batches and fulfillment queue times
EU Fulfillment - upcoming batches and fulfillment queue times
I have prepared an in-depth update on the overall status of our EU fulfillment center and some of the challenges that we've experienced over the last couple weeks. This will be posted tomorrow, once I double confirm a few remaining details. In short;
- Fulfillment in the EU hasn't been quick and smooth over the last few weeks
- By the end of today, all orders submitted before today will be shipped
More details to come tomorrow!
Upcoming batches
80HE separate cases
The plan was to start getting these orders queued and submitted today, but the inventory isn't ready yet.
The address confirmations for these orders will start tomorrow, the 20th of February.
This will be followed by @EU-Beloega-1 starting on Friday, the 21st of February.
Lekker switches and Black Zinc 80HE's (ISO)
These switches and these prebuilt zinc keyboards are on the container ship the EVER ARIA, which has been anchored outside of the port of Rotterdam for over a week, waiting for its turn to get unloaded.
At this point, the boat itself is 16 days behind schedule, and that has fully consumed all of the extra wiggle room we give freight shipments, and then some....
Hopefully, the containership gets unloaded tomorrow and the cargo can get to our fulfillment center in time to start shipping next week!
New estimated date to start shipments: 27th of February.

Restocking in the US

Restocking in the US
Restocking in the US
Our US fulfillment center is receiving a ton of products starting today! Some of these products will be made ready as early as this afternoon, but a few aren't expected until tomorrow.
However, I'm going to list all of the following batches as delivered, so that we can start with address confirmations. This way, the moment that the inventory is ready to ship to customers, they can already start getting the orders packed and shipped out.
Head on over to the Wooting Hub to confirm that your shipping address is accurate, and get your order queued for fulfillment!
Full sized Wooting 2HE
60HE+ prebuilts
60HE+ modules

80HE Separate Cases in the US

80HE Separate Cases in the US
80HE Separate Cases in the US
Similar to the EU separate case batches, these batches had some uncertainties around when exactly they would be ready to ship to customers.
All of these separate case batches now have discord roles and notifications enabled! To get pinged for the latest update, head to My Account on the Wooting Hub, check the Batch Updates checkbox, and hit the yellow "Refresh rewards" button.
The separate cases that are part of NA-Beluga are heading to our US fulfillment center as quickly as possible, but will not arrive in time to start shipments on the 17th of February as planned.
NA-Beluga is now expected to ship to customers starting Monday the 24th of February.
The oldest orders that were waiting on NA-Beluga have been allocated to the buffer stock we hold for warranty cases. Don't worry, we're still reserving the units we expect to need for customer support purposes. Releasing those units has also allowed the orders that were allocated to NA-Light-1 to get pulled forward into NA-Beluga.
The orders with a Frost Case, allocated to NA-Racoon, are mostly on track, but the freight is running slower than expected. Therefore, I've taken the previous ready date of 29th of March and pushed that to the 3rd of April. As we get closer, we can more confidently estimate the actual delivery date.

80HE Separate Cases in the EU

80HE Separate Cases in the EU
80HE Separate Cases in the EU
@EU-Beloega @EU-Beloega-1 @EU-Wasbeer @EU-Licht-1
The separate cases to go with the 80HE module have been in an uncertain state for the last couple weeks. There is now clarity on what you can expect, and this batch update has the details.
All of these separate case batches now have discord roles and notifications enabled! To get pinged for the latest update, head to My Account on the Wooting Hub, check the Batch Updates checkbox, and hit the yellow "Refresh rewards" button.
US separate case batches Beluga, Racoon, and Light-1 will get an update following this one.
Customers with orders that had separate cases allocated to EU-Beloega expected that their orders would start shipping by now. Unfortunately, these shipments won't start until the 19th of February.
We apologize for this delay, and the uncertainty around it. This was an unpleasant experience for some, especially as the first orders allocated to this batch were placed in October! Now that we know for sure when the next batch of cases will arrive at the fulfillment center, I've released as much of the buffer stock as possible, holding onto just enough for any warranty issues over the next week. This way we can get the oldest orders shipped as soon as possible.
Orders with separate cases that were allocated to EU-Licht-1 (mid February) and EU-Wasbeer (late March) have now been reallocated to EU-Beloega-1 and these cases will be ready to start shipping on the 21st of February, once (most of) the EU-Beloega orders get fulfilled.
All current preorders for separate cases will be fulfilled with units from batches EU-Beloega and EU-Beloega-1.
Future orders will first get allocated the remaining units available in EU-Beloega-1, and then:
- EU-Wasbeer (Black Plastic and Frost Plastic) arriving 18th of March
- EU-Licht-1 (Black Zinc and Raw Zinc) arriving 27th of March
Thanks again for your patience while these batches were sorted out and freight shipments confirmed.


80HE's in the EU, being made ready now!

80HE's in the EU, being made ready now!
80HE's in the EU, being made ready now!
The stars aligned, and we're back on track!
Huge shoutout to the teams from several companies including our freight forwarder and our fulfillment center - they've knocked it out of the park. Everyone involved in the logistics chain did their part expediently, including the customs brokers, the truck drivers, the warehouse teams at both the freight forwarder's warehouse and the receiving team at the fulfillment center, they're all rockstars!
The keyboards are at the fulfillment center, and they are hard at work preparing the pallets for individual shipments!
This means we can get started with address confirmations, and the first orders can start getting packed as early as this evening!
Head over to the Wooting Hub to confirm that your shipping address is still accurate, and get your order queued for fulfillment!

Wayward Freight Rescued - Dolfijn

Wayward Freight Rescued - Dolfijn
Wayward Freight Rescued
Quick update with some good news!
The keyboards have made it into the EU and have cleared customs!
The root cause of this confusion was that the freight shipment was diverted through an alternate shipping route due to the Lunar New Year holiday, and due to a clerical error, the tracking information was not correctly communicated through the supply chain.
The keyboards are currently in Brussels, and will be trucked to our freight forwarder's intermediary warehouse in Amsterdam with delivery no later than 17:00 today.
From there, the freight forwarder will deliver the keyboards to our fulfillment center. The forwarder has committed to ensuring that it gets delivered no later than Monday, the 10th of February, but that they will try to get it delivered by the end of business on Friday, the 7th of February.
Our fulfillment center will need one business day to process the bulk pallets and prepare the keyboards for individual shipments.
Therefore, you can expect that shipments to customers will start no later than Tuesday the 11th of February. With a bit of luck, we can get started Monday afternoon!
Update on 80HE's shipping via the Netherlands
Update on 80HE's shipping via the Netherlands
Update on 80HE's shipping via the Netherlands
@EU-Dolfijn-3 @EU-Dolfijn-4 @EU-Dolfijn-6
We expected this freight shipment to deliver to our EU fulfillment center today, and start shipping out to customers. Disappointingly, that didn't happen.
New estimated date to start shipments: 12th of February, 2025
What's the deal? Why didn't it arrive?
Unfortunately, I don't actually have a clear answer to this. Based on the many messages back and forth between our team and our freight forwarder, it looks like an error was made after the factory delivered the pallets to the freight forwarder's partner warehouse in China. It is unclear what the root cause for this error was, but my guess is that the Lunar New Year holiday was a contributing factor in some way.
The original booking was for the keyboards to fly to Amsterdam on the 29th of January, but the cargo never made it onto the plane.
We've been actively following up with our freight forwarder to ensure these keyboards arrive as quickly as possible, but I do not yet have confirmation on when they will be delivered to the fulfillment center.
The estimate provided above is the "the cargo had damn well better be at the fulfillment center by then" date. With a bit of luck, it will arrive before then!
One piece of good news is that our fulfillment center knows that this freight shipment is our top priority and so they will do their part by getting it ready to ship to customers as quickly as possible, once it arrives to them.
Thanks for your patience, and apologies for the situation!

80HE's in the US, shipping now!

80HE's in the US, shipping now!
80HE's in the US, shipping now!
@NA-Whale-0 @NA-Whale-2
Good morning, America! Time to wake up, smell the coffee, and confirm that your shipping address is accurate for your 80HE preorder!
The prebuilt black plastic, ghost plastic, and black zinc 80HE's are all now in stock in the US and ready to ship to you!
For those who preordered, you've received an email asking you to confirm that your shipping address hasn't changed in the time since you've placed your order. Once you confirm this, your order will get queued for fulfillment and then submitted for fulfillment.
New purchases for in stock items do not need to do this address check, and will get queued for fulfillment as soon as the order is placed.
I expect that these prebuilt versions will stay in stock for at least the next week, but no guarantees there. As always, orders get allocated to the earliest available batch at the time of purchase for each product in the order. This means that once the current stock gets sold out, the system will automatically transition into a backorder state. If you want to purchase one of these keyboards while they're in stock, I suggest you move quickly!

Prebuilt 60HE's - ISO layout

Prebuilt 60HE's - ISO layout
Prebuilt 60HE's - ISO layout
Our EU fulfillment center is inbounding these keyboards as we speak, and they're hungry for orders to pack and ship....
Go confirm that your shipping address is (still) accurate via the Wooting Hub and get your order queued for fulfillment!

Freight Shipments ahead of Lunar New Year

Freight Shipments ahead of Lunar New Year
Freight Shipments ahead of Lunar New Year
With Lunar New Year happening next week, everything coming out of Asia grinds to a halt while people celebrate the new year with friends and family. Our Taiwan team will be doing just that next week!
In general, we've set delivery estimates with the expectation that any product getting manufactured around this time or starting the freight shipment around this time, wouldn't get processed until after the holiday.
However, a few batches have been able to get out of the country sooner than expected. Details below!
Prebuilt ISO 60HE's
This freight shipment got out of China and is on route via air freight to our EU fulfillment center!
Previously expected to start consumer shipments: 18th of February
Now expected: 30th of January
60HE ISO Modules
This freight shipment is traveling via sea freight and is currently running 10 days behind the quoted schedule.
Previously expected to start consumer shipments: 28th of January
Now expected: 5th of February
Keycaps: ISO-DE, ISO-NR
This freight shipment on the same boat as the 60HE ISO modules EU-Wiel-4.Now added as a role for Discord notifications.
Previously expected to start consumer shipments: 28th of January
Now expected: 5th of February
Switches: L45, L60
This freight shipment is finally en route, more than a week after originally quoted... There are orders waiting on this batch, but we have enough buffer stock on hand to fulfill them. Now that the freight is on the way, we can safely release that buffer stock to ensure timely shipments. Next week, those orders will be reallocated to an earlier batch.

Full sized ISO Wooting 2HE's ready to ship!

Full sized ISO Wooting 2HE's ready to ship!
Full sized ISO Wooting 2HE's ready to ship!
These keyboards have delivered to our EU fulfillment center, and they made it a point to get them prepared for individual shipments as quickly as possible.
You can now confirm that your shipping address is correct via the Wooting Hub, and get your order queued for fulfillment!
Additionally, our EU fulfillment center is now fully caught up with shipments, so you can expect that your parcel will be packed and shipped within a couple business days from it getting submitted to get fulfilled.
Note: once shipped (label is created and you get a tracking link) it still often takes a couple days for the parcel carriers to scan it to show they have received it. Most carriers pick up by the pallet, and only scan parcels at the first distribution center.

Overview of upcoming US freight shipments

Overview of upcoming US freight shipments
Overview of upcoming US freight shipments
The black zinc prebuilt is currently in stock and will stay that way for the next month at least. Once NA-Whale-0 and -2 arrive, the black plastic and ghost plastic will be in stock as well!
Note: NA-Whale-2 was previously expected to start shipments on the 28th of January.
This has now been pushed back about a week based on freight transit delays.
- 28 January - @NA-Dolphin-2 - Zinc prebuilts
- 3 February - @NA-Whale-2 - Ghost prebuilts
- 4 February - @NA-Whale-0 - Black prebuilts
This keyboard is currently in stock. Incoming batch deliveries will make sure it stays that way!
- 22 January - @NA-Wheel-2
- 14 February - @NA-Booth-1
- 15 February - @NA-Booth-2
60HE Modules
The modules went out of stock for a period, but will be back in stock with the delivery of these two upcoming batches.
- 17 February - @NA-Booth
- 25 February - @NA-Booth-3
Sales exceeded our forecasts and productions starting at the end of last summer into last fall. These next two batches arriving in a month will bring this product firmly back into stock.
- 18 February - @NA-Truck
- 19 February - @NA-Painting

80HE's in the EU - more keyboards ready to ship!

80HE's in the EU - more keyboards ready to ship!
80HE's in the EU - more keyboards ready to ship!
The prebuilt black plastic ANSI-US 80HE's have arrived at our Dutch fulfillment center and are ready to ship to customers!
You can now confirm your shipping address via the Wooting Hub and get your order queued for fulfillment.
Once queued, expect it to take a few days for your order to get submitted, packed, and shipped. Our Dutch fulfillment center has been working diligently to catch up with the shipments from the holidays, and we've been slamming them with more, more, more every day since then...
After your shipping label gets created, expect it to take ANOTHER few days for the parcel carrier to show that they've received the parcel and are shipping it to you.
If you've got any questions about your shipment, feel free to reach out to our support team!

Flamingos can't fly - Dye sub keycaps grounded due to quality concerns

Flamingos can't fly - Dye sub keycaps grounded due to quality concerns
Flamingos can't fly - Dye sub keycaps grounded due to quality concerns
@EU-Flamingo and @NA-Flamingo
The upcoming batch of dye sub keycaps have not passed the quality control checks, and are therefore being reworked. Here's what you need to know:
Products affected:
- Wooting Dye-sub PBT keycaps black
- Wooting Dye-sub PBT keycaps black with Kana
- Wooting Dye-sub PBT keycaps white
- Wooting Dye-sub PBT keycaps white with Kana
Products NOT affected - any other keycaps
The vast majority of our keycaps are NOT affected.
If you're unsure if your keycap set is implicated, then it almost certainly is not. You can know for sure via the Wooting Hub!
- Wooting Doubleshot PBT keycaps black
- Wooting Doubleshot PBT keycaps white
- Wooting dye-sub magnetic wave or Take Control keycaps
- Wooting ABS keycaps
Quality Control and Defects
All batches of all products get checked by quality control in some way. Most of the time these checks are done by sampling. Enough units from any given batch are checked to be confident that the sample is a good representation for the entire batch.
There's a science to sampling. If you're interested in learning more, last summer I wrote a post describing our quality control process for the 80HE: 📦│batch_updates
When quality control finds defects in a sample from a batch, we get notified and have to make a decision for how to proceed. Our options are:
- Accept the batch as-is, including defects. Sometimes this is the best choice, especially if the defect(s) identified are minor and rare.
- Perform additional sampling to better understand the scope of the problem.
- Perform a full inspection to sort out affected units to either rework or destroy.
- Rework the entire batch.
- Reject and destroy the entire batch.
The status and decisions for xx-Flamingo
The specific defects identified by our quality control for this batch included:
- Blue dots on the underside keycaps
- Color staining on the keycaps
The rate of keycap sets with at least one defect was as high as 10% - this was unacceptable. Wooting decided to have this batch fully inspected and rework or replace the affected keycaps. After the rework was completed, quality control again inspected the batch.
Regretfully, the act of reworking these keycaps introduced new defects:
- Scratches
- Dirty marks
Due to these additional problems, Wooting has decided to reproduce the entire batch of keycaps.
Below, you'll find some example pictures of the defects we documented in this batch. Some of them are very minor, but a few are major. Note: these pictures have had branding and other confidential information removed with generative AI inpainting.

Timing for shipments to customers.
Reproducing this batch of keycaps means that it will not be delivered to our fulfillment centers for several weeks. Additionally, the week after next is Chinese New Year, which slows down or pauses everything from manufacturing to freight shipments.
These combine to an estimated delay of approximately 6 weeks. The Wooting Hub has been updated with this new expectation. These keycap batches also now have discord notification enabled. Feel free to "Refresh Rewards" on your Wooting Hub to sign up for batch notifications.
We apologize for this delay, but we are committed to delivering only the highest quality products to our customers.
If you have any questions about your specific order, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support at:
Black Zinc 80HE's almost ready in EU
Black Zinc 80HE's almost ready in EU
Black Zinc 80HE's almost ready in EU
The sea freight shipment with the prebuild black zinc 80HE's (ANSI, ISO, and JIS) heading to our Dutch fulfillment center finally got offloaded at the Port of Rotterdam! The keyboards have cleared local customs, and now just need to be trucked to the fulfillment center itself.
This freight shipment took two full weeks longer than estimated before it arrived to port. We anticipated that this freight shipment wouldn't arrive when the freight quote claimed it would, and a two months ago we listed the expected date that shipments to customers would start as Monday the 13th of January.
Looks like we nailed it, and that is indeed the date that last-mile shipments can start. Keep an eye out Monday afternoon for a notification that you can confirm your shipping address via the Wooting Hub and get your order queued for fulfillment!

General Fulfillment Updates

General Fulfillment Updates
General Fulfillment Updates
These updates are not related to any specific batch of products, but apply for all orders shipping out of each fulfillment center.
3 fulfillment centers, 3 totally different updates to share
How to know which fulfillment center will ship your order:Check the letters at the start of your order number!
- USxxxxxxA = United States fulfillment center
- EUxxxxxxH = Netherlands fulfillment center
- ROWxxxxxA = Netherlands fulfillment center
- APACxxxxxS = Hong Kong fulfillment center
United States Fulfillment
The fulfillment center will be performing an end of year inventory count, during which time no orders will be shipped.
Start date: 21st of January
Finish date: 24th of January
Netherlands Fulfillment
The end of year inventory count was completed without stopping the fulfillment process.
Additionally, the fulfillment center has pretty much caught up on the backlog of orders to ship out. There are still some stragglers, which are getting processed as quickly as possible.
Hong Kong Fulfillment
The end of year cycle count will take place on the 16th of January, and should be completed on the same day.
Chinese New Year Holiday:
All orders submitted between the 28th of January and the 2nd of February will not be processed until the 3rd of February.
Orders shipping to China from the Hong Kong fulfillment center will be paused starting on the 16th of January, lasting until the 3rd of February. This is to ensure that parcels don't get lost by ChinaPost during the holiday period.

80HE's Walvis-3 ready to ship, but fulfillment backlogged

80HE's Walvis-3 ready to ship, but fulfillment backlogged
80HE's at the Dutch Fulfillment center
... but there's a catch
The keyboards that are part of EU-Walvis-3 have arrived at the fulfillment center, and the bulk pallets have been prepared for individual shipments.
This means that we can start the address confirmation system! Log into the Wooting Hub to confirm that your shipping address is (still) accurate, and get your order queued for fulfillment.
Once you confirm your address, your order will stay in queue for several days before being submitted for fulfillment.
The reason that orders from EU-Walvis-3 won't get submitted until later this week is because our Dutch fulfillment center has a large backlog of orders they still need to fulfill from the New Year's and Christmas holiday period.
This note is also relevant for @EU-Wiel-2; a large batch of ISO 60HE's that arrived at the fulfillment center right in the middle of the holiday period. A significant portion (~50%) of this batch has not yet been fulfilled.
We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. A perfect storm of 3 contributing factors has lead to less-than-optimal fulfillment times:
- A very large and fully sold out batch of backordered ISO 60HE's arriving
- Christmas, "Tweede Kerstdag", New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day holidays in the middle of the work week
- A substantial influx of new orders for in stock products from people who apparently didn't get a Wooting keyboard for Christmas like they hoped. (Or maybe they got a competitor's keyboard for Christmas and realized that getting a Wooting keyboard is the superior choice?)
To add yet more onto this, a number of parcel carriers have been skipping steps to try and get as many parcels processed as possible. What this will look like to you is that your shipping label gets created (or electronically announced) and then no further updates are available for several days or even a week. These are called "No First Scan" errors and almost always (98%+ of the time), resolve themselves after a few days when the parcel arrives at the final distribution center.
If you're experiencing this, please wait to contact our support until at least 7 days have passed since the label was created - this helps our team in focusing on the support requests where action is needed.
We sincerely appreciate your patience during this time! Rest assured, both Wooting and our fulfillment center partner are doing everything we can to get you your new keyboard as quickly as possible!


80HEs fulfilling from Hong Kong part 1

80HEs fulfilling from Hong Kong part 1
80HE 3rd batch - ready to ship from HK!
The first of two freight shipments of 80HE's to our Hong Kong fulfillment center has arrived, and is ready to ship to customers!
Ghost Plastic Prebuilts (ANSI) and Zinc Black Prebuilts (ANSI)
You can now confirm your shipping address via the Wooting Hub, and release your order to get fulfilled.
Please note, with Christmas this week and New Year's next week, it's reasonable to expect that deliveries will take a little longer than normal.
The arrival of this batch brings both of these products in stock, though there's only a handful of the Ghost prebuilts available. The Zinc black prebuilt will probably be in stock for a week or two, but don't snooze on it!
Black Plastic Prebuilts (ANSI)
These units are finishing up the quality control process, and the freight shipment will be arranged once that is done.
Given the holidays this week and next, we are currently expecting the keyboards to be ready to ship to customers starting the 7th of January.
If that date can be pulled forward, we'll let you know!

3rd batch of 80HEs - Netherlands fulfillment

3rd batch of 80HEs - Netherlands fulfillment
80HE 3rd batch - Netherlands fulfillment
If your order is shipping via our Dutch fulfillment center, pay close attention to this post.
The NL fulfillment center deals with the most complexity in every way:
The most freight shipments, arriving via air and sea, with the most different products.
Head over to the My Account section of the Wooting Hub to refresh your roles so that you can see which mini-batch your order is part of.
80HE modules (ANSI, ISO, JIS) and Ghost Prebuilts (ISO)
This shipment has already delivered to the warehouse, and orders have been shipping.
If your order isn't ready to ship, it's probably waiting on a separate zinc case or switches.
- EU-Bruinvis: Arrived at the warehouse on the 18th of December, should be ready to ship in a few days.
- EU-Beloega: Expected at the warehouse on the 4th of February.
- EU-Licht-1: Expected at the warehouse on the 18th of February.
We've shared with the manufacturer how important it is to get these cases made as soon as possible. If we can get them delivered sooner, we'll let you know.
Black Plastic Prebuilts (ISO and JIS) and Ghost Prebuilts (ANSI and JIS)
These units have finished being produced and are currently getting reviewed by our third party quality control service, to ensure that they meet our quality standards.
We expect that this will be completed and the units can begin their freight journey on the 27th of December.
Shipments are expected to start on the 7th of January.
Black Zinc Prebuilts (ANSI, ISO, JIS)
The zinc prebuilt keyboards for this batch are sailing the high seas, having just passed the Cape of Good Hope. They are on the container ship EVER AIM and you can follow its progress here:
The vessel tracker estimates that it will arrive at the Port of Rotterdam on the 2nd of January. Take this estimate with a grain of salt, sea freight to the EU tends to take longer than estimated. This boat is already 8 days behind schedule, so perhaps they'll burn some extra diesel and try to stick to this latest estimate.
From there, customs will need to inspect the container and then it will get trucked to our fulfillment center.
Shipments are expected to start on Monday, the 13th of January.
Black Plastic Prebuilts (ANSI)
The last of the freight shipments includes the Black Plastic prebuilt units, which have also finished getting manufactured and will get checked by the third party quality control service after they finish checking the units that are part of EU-Walvis-3.
We will be air freighting these keyboards to the Netherlands, and it's a tossup for whether these get there first or if the sea freight from EU-Walvis-2 does.
Shipments are expected to start on the 15th of January.

3rd batch 80HEs - USA fulfillment

3rd batch 80HEs - USA fulfillment
80HE 3rd batch - USA fulfillment
The 3rd batch of 80HEs heading to the United States now has all of the freight shipments booked and confirmed. This batch has three shipments, split by the keyboard layout.
Modules and Zinc Black Prebuilts
These units have been in transit for quite a while now, and are nearly at the fulfillment center!
They are expected to arrive at the fulfillment center on the 20th of December. However, I do not expect that the fulfillment center will have the freight shipment ready for individual shipments until after Christmas and after New Year's.
Shipments to customers are expected to start on the 3rd of January.
Black Plastic Prebuilts
Unfortunately, this freight is still sitting at port in China, waiting to get assigned a container ship to sail over the Pacific. Due to this, it will be many weeks still until these keyboards are at our fulfillment center and ready to ship to customers.
Shipments to customers are expected to start on the 4th of February.
Expect this date to get updated somewhere in the middle of January when the expectations can be more solid.
Ghost Plastic Prebuilts
While this freight shipment is also still sitting in port in China, it has at least been assigned a container ship for its journey to America.
These keyboards will be traveling on the ONE MANHATTAN, currently moored off the coast of Thailand.
The vessel will make its way through the South China Sea over the next week and pick up the 80HEs in Yantian, China on the 26th of December. Estimated arrival at the Port of Los Angeles is the 13th of January, at which point the keyboards will need to clear customs and make their way to our fulfillment center in Las Vegas around the 20th of January. Be aware that these dates are very much so estimates, and are likely to change over time.
Once at the fulfillment center, they will prepare the bulk pallets of keyboards for individual shipments, which can take up to a week.
Shipments to customers are expected to start on the 28th of January.

3rd batch of 80HEs - HK fulfillment

3rd batch of 80HEs - HK fulfillment
3rd batch of 80HEs - HK fulfillment
We're almost ready to start fulfilling 80HE orders from the third batch via the Hong Kong fulfillment center!
However, we're not quite on schedule...
Here's what you need to know:
This batch is split into two parts, based on when the factory completes the production.
Zinc Black and Ghost Plastic Prebuilts
Orders with these products have been reallocated to HK-JingYu-0
These keyboards have already been completed and are en-route to the fulfillment center.
We estimate that we can start shipping to customers on Friday, the 20th of December.
Black Plastic Prebuilts
Orders with this product have been reallocated to @HK-JingYu-1
Unfortunately these units have not yet been completed at the factory.
They will be completed by the 23rd of December. Once ready, they will get checked by a 3rd party quality control service. Then, they will travel via truck to the fulfillment center.
Typically, it takes 7-10 days after being ready at the factory to complete the quality control and deliver to the Hong Kong fulfillment center. However, this period will include both Christmas and New Year's. It's unclear what impact this may have on how long this process may take.
Therefore, we estimate that we can start shipping to customers on Tuesday, the 7th of January.

White Zinc v1 Update

White Zinc v1 Update
White Zinc v1 Update
At long last, the beleaguered v1 white zinc has arrived at both the EU fulfillment center and the US one!
You can now confirm that your shipping address is still accurate via the Wooting Hub, and get your order queued for fulfillment.
Quick note: we are now at the peak of "peak season." Black Friday is just a few days away, and (especially in the US) this is the busiest time of year for e-commerce.
While we do not discount keyboards for Black Friday (or really for any reason) we utilize third party fulfillment services whose other business customers do have promotions, leading to a large influx of orders to get packed.
Similarly, parcel carriers get swamped during this time of year. Once your order gets packed and a shipping label is created, please be patient!
It will probably take longer than the normal 48 hours for parcel carriers to scan the shipment to show they've got it, and it will probably take longer than they typical shipment duration for it to get to your front door.
White Zinc V1 Important Notes
This product doesn't quite meet Wooting's expectations of long-lasting quality and durability:
- The paint can chip more easily than the anodized black
- Grazing the white paint with a metal object can lead to grey marks (which can be erased with an eraser)
If you choose to receive the product as-is, about 30 days after your order is delivered, you will be provided with a $40/€40 gift card valid for future purchases.
If your case has any defect at the time of arrival, you can return it under warranty for a replacement or refund.
Details can be found here: 📦│batch_updates
White Zinc V2 update:
No major update to share at this time: development is progressing.
Calder is expecting to film a video update this week, which would get edited and shared on Youtube (probably) some time next week.
Stay tuned!

80HE Batch 3 update!

80HE Batch 3 update!
80HE Batch 3 update!
(Originally posted to Discord on the 22nd of November)
With the second batch (mostly) behind us, it's time to start talking about batch 3! Production for this batch is well underway, and the expected timeframes for deliveries are starting to come into focus. For this third batch, we're going to tweak to how we handle batch allocations in our system.
Scaling Batch Updates
Previously, all orders within a batch had a single batch name to reference one purchase order with the manufacturer, and split per fulfillment center. For example, batch 2 of 80HEs was split into Bridge, Brug, and Qiao. Two reasons why this needs to be improved.
- Manufacturer ready dates
- Freight shipments
Manufacturer ready dates
Previously, a "batch" would have a single ready date when all of the products would be completed. Because the 80HE has so many different versions, the factory will finish all of the keyboards from one type before moving on to the next type. At this scale, it could be weeks between the first version being completed and the last.
For example, the factory may first produce all of the ANSI-US preassembled black plastic keyboards. Then they'll start working on ISO and JIS black plastic. Once all three layouts of black plastic are completed, they'll start working on assembling the ANSI-US ghost plastic. And so on and so forth, until all the versions and layouts are completed.
There's no reason to wait for the last version to be completed before we start the freight shipments of the first version!
Freight shipments
Getting the keyboards to our various fulfillment centers is much more complex than it used to be. Back in the day, a batch would get one freight shipment per fulfillment center.
These days though... Well, the second batch of 80HEs heading to the Dutch fulfillment center needed eight(!!) airplanes to get delivered!
If, for example, the black zinc keyboards experience a delay, that doesn't impact the rest of the batch being ready to go.
With the previous system, we had to either a) delay everyone's shipments until the last freight shipment delivered or b) start the fulfillment process, and hope that the last freight shipment delivers in time to slot into the fulfillment process without issue. Neither of those are great options!
What will change?
Orders will get reassigned to a "mini batch" based on the specific version of the keyboard in their order.
Some of these versions will be ready sooner than is currently listed in the Wooting Hub. Some of these versions will be ready later.
Then, once the freight shipments are booked, if any of the "mini batches" get sent in multiple freight shipments, we'll again split those orders into micro-mini-batches.
How will this be better?
The biggest benefit to these changes is that your order's delivery estimate will be much more accurate for your specific order.
Another benefit to this change is that we can spread out the fulfillment of the overall batch, instead of flooding the fulfillment center with tens of thousands of orders at once.
No more waiting in queue for a week or more!
When will this be completed?
Orders will get reallocated to the mini batches over the next two weeks. It's important that we take our time to do this reallocation carefully, so that we can honor the first come first serve system we've created.
You will see on your Wooting Hub when you've been reallocated to the mini-batch. Once that is completed, you will need to "refresh your rewards" on the Wooting Hub so that your discord account gets the right mini-batch role.
After everyone has been reallocated, I will make sure to ping each of the mini-batch roles and the overall batch roles so that everyone knows to update their Wooting Hub discord connection. From then, batch updates will tag the mini-batch roles for updates.

80HE Batch 2 fulfillment update

80HE Batch 2 fulfillment update
80HE Batch 2 fulfillment update
(Originally posted to Discord on the 22nd of November)
Across the world, the fulfillment process for the second batch of keyboards is almost done. However, each fulfillment center has a few stragglers, each for different reasons.
While the remaining orders that haven't yet shipped is small, it's not none. And more critically, if it's your order that hasn't shipped, then you've not had a great experience and for that we apologize.
HK Fulfillment
Our Hong Kong fulfillment center has finished the batch 2 fulfillment, excluding bulk orders of 10+ keyboards. We intentionally prioritize direct to consumer shipments ahead of bulk orders, but those are now done and the remaining bulk orders are getting processed.
There was a problem where orders shipping to China specifically did not get the tracking number automatically added to their order, resulting in the order staying in a "Ready to pack" state even though it had been shipped.
By now all of the tracking numbers have been manually added where needed, and the vast majority of these shipments have by now already delivered.
NL Fulfillment
The Dutch fulfillment center has fully completed the 2nd batch fulfillment - except a fair few orders with ANSI-US prebuilt Zinc Black keyboards.
This has been a particular sore point for some customers, and the root cause is a series of unfortunate events.
First, due to the problem with white zinc cases, many customers swapped their orders to black zinc, more than the quantity of black zinc prebuilts originally planned. At the time, this wasn't an issue, as we were able to redirect a large number of keyboards that were planned to become white zinc keyboards into black zinc instead. These extra units, manufactured last out of the batch, were supposed to arrive to the fulfillment center in time to perfectly slot into the end of EU-Brug's ~2 week fulfillment process.
Then, the freight shipment got "rolled" to later and later flights. This is not uncommon in freight logistics, especially in the run-up to peak season ahead of Black Friday.
When they did finally arrive in Amsterdam, local customs took their sweet time importing them. Anyone who has ever dealt with customs knows that they simply don't care about any urgency; they'll get to it when they get to it.
The good news is that these black zinc keyboards are now at our fulfillment center, so shipments can go out. That said, since it's already late Friday afternoon in the Netherlands, it doesn't look like all of the orders will get packed and shipped today. Won't be long now though!
US Fulfillment
Thankfully the second back of 80HE's did correctly get shipped in boxes to customers, no repeat of the polybag shipments that claimed the lives of oh so many innocent Lekker switches.
But it wouldn't be fair to the other fulfillment centers if there wasn't some quirk or oddity in the US too...
Most people know that sometimes parcel carriers can deliver a customer's package to the wrong house. This is never a fun experience, but it can happen. Well, did you know that this can happen to freight shipments too?
Thankfully it happened to a freight shipment of wrist rests, not keyboards. And, most of these 5,000+ wrist rests were extra inventory to ensure we stay well stocked. Unfortunately, 550 of these units are required to fulfill pending 80HE orders.
The misdelivered shipment has been found, and is being redelivered to our US fulfillment center as soon as possible. I don't have an exact delivery date, but I expect it to be fully inbounded and shipping to customers some time next week.
Note for all customer shipments
If your order has been shipped but there is a problem, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.
It may take a few days or a week to get your case investigated and resolved, but rest assured we've got your back!

White Zinc Update!

White Zinc Update!
White Zinc Update!
(Originally posted to Discord on the 14th of November)
The past, the present, and the future
- Past preorders for v1 White Zinc: $40/€40 gift cards status update
- Current preorders for v1 White Zinc: Bridge/Brug white zinc preorders
- Future preorders for v2 White Zinc: Development updates for version 2
Gift cards for orders delivered 30+ days ago
The first round of gift cards has already gone out, with more being sent this week! Keep an eye on your email for receiving it.
You do not have to take any action in order to receive it.
This is what we meant with "automatic," but it is not done by a robot - our team executes on sending these in bulk every week or so.
White zinc v1 preorders
Good news! The keyboards are en route to our fulfillment centers in the US and the Netherlands.
Hong Kong fulfillment
They've just delivered and are slotting into the last HK-Qiao shipments getting sent out this week and early next week.
Netherlands fulfillment
The keyboards are expected to arrive to the fulfillment center by the 20th of November, and the team there knows to prioritize this freight delivery and get it ready to go as soon as possible. With a bit of luck, we can start shipping orders as early as the end of next week.
Currently, the Wooting Hub assumes that orders will start shipping on the 26th of November.
US fulfillment
These keyboards will also travel via air freight to LAX and then deliver by truck to the fulfillment center in Las Vegas.
Our freight forwarder's system is currently estimating that the keyboards will deliver to the fulfillment center on Saturday the 23rd of November. However, I expect this date to slip into the following week - we're deep into peak season and Black Friday is right around the corner: every step of the logistics process is at or above capacity.
The Wooting Hub currently lists the 3rd of December as the date when the first units can start shipping.
I think this is a reasonable expectation, but it could be a week sooner or it could be a week later.
The moment that these keyboards are ready to ship to you, we will notify you.
White zinc v2 - the future is now!
Our product development team is hard at work to ensure the next iteration of this case is the best it can possibly be.
They've been closely collaborating with the factory to evaluate processes, coatings, and treatments. Their focus is to get the right color, feel, and durability - not to rush into making a quick decision.
The last update I got from them suggested that they're about ready to make a final decision and start the manufacturing process. Once we're locked in, we can get a manufacturing ready date from the factory and we can start planning freight shipments.
After all the planning is done, we'll first swap over any preorders that wanted to wait for the v2 so that they get first priority. Then, we'll start selling the v2 version on the storefront!
Calder is planning on filming a video update next week to share the progress. After filming, our marketing team will need to process and edit the video, so it's possible that it will go live towards the end of next week but more likely that it'll be ready during the last week of November.

EU-Brug fulfillment update

EU-Brug fulfillment update
EU-Brug fulfillment update
Ping-less update for a status report on EU-Brug shipments: One week in, roughly half of EU-Brug has been shipped.
We expect that the remaining orders for EU-Brug will get packed and shipped this week.
(excluding white zinc cases - update coming later this week)
Previously we had shared a set of "fulfillment groups" that would dictate which orders get processed in what order.
While good intentioned, the group order ended up not being the order in which the fulfillment center made the products ready to ship to customers.
Therefore you may find yourself in groups 1 or 2, seeing individuals getting their orders processed out of groups 3 or 4.
Apologies for any confusion there, but rest assured your specific order will get packed very soon!

80HE update - Second batch ready in the US

80HE update - Second batch ready in the US
80HE update - Second batch ready in the US
(originally posted on Discord on the 11th of November)
The second batch of 80HEs have arrived at our fulfillment center in the United States and are ready to ship to customers! (excluding white zinc cases, update on which zinc batches coming later this week)Head on over to the Wooting Hub to confirm that your shipping address is accurate and still up to date, then your order will get queued for fulfillment!
Later today, emails will be sent out to orders ready to ship. If you have already confirmed your shipping address via the Hub, you will not receive this email. Want to know about the different steps it takes to fulfill an order?
- Queued for Fulfillment
- Ready to Pack
- Pick and Pack
- Shipped to You
Read about it here! or you can watch a video about it!
Expect 1 full week for this batch to get fulfilled.
Shipments to customers will probably take a little longer than "normal" due to parcel carriers in the US being very busy with the holiday "peak" season.
Once your order gets shipped (sent to the parcel carrier) you will receive a tracking link. This link may take 2-3 days before it is received and scanned by the parcel carrier.
Once the parcel carrier receives it, orders sent with "Economy Shipping" will take 1-2 weeks to deliver, and orders with "Expedited Shipping" will take 2-5 days to deliver.
With that difference in shipping time, some people will wonder if they can upgrade their shipping method. Unfortunately, it will take our team longer to process that upgrade than the difference in delivery time. Best to leave it as is.
Enjoy your new 80HE!!

80HE Second batch part 2 EU Boogaloo

80HE Second batch part 2 EU Boogaloo
80HE Second batch part 2 EU Boogaloo
(originally posted on Discord on the 5th of November)
I regret to inform you that the best part about preordering a Wooting keyboard is almost over... The wait!
Orders shipping via our Netherlands fulfillment center (EU-Brug) can now confirm their shipping address via the Wooting Hub to get their order queued for fulfillment.
The first orders will get submitted for fulfillment no sooner than the 6th of November.
The freight shipments have been sliced and diced into many different deliveries to our fulfillment center, due to the sheer number of pallets getting shipped. The first units will get inbounded at the fulfillment center starting the 6th of November, and shipments can start shortly thereafter.
Expect 2 full weeks to fulfill this batch.
Due to how the freight shipments are split up, it's not as straightforward as the first batch for which orders will be ready to get packed first.
Fulfillment group order
- The first group - Black Plastic and Smokey (Ghost) Plastic ANSI prebuilts.
- The second group - Black Plastic and Smokey (Ghost) Plastic ISO and JIS prebuilts.
- The third group - ANSI, ISO, and JIS modules.
- The fourth group - Black Zinc ISO and Black Zinc JIS prebuilts.
- The fifth group - the Black Zinc ANSI prebuilts.
By the time the fifth group is completely, we'll know more precisely when the White Zinc keyboards will be ready to get fulfilled - stay tuned for this.
Want to know about the different steps it takes to fulfill an order?
Read about it here! or you can watch a video about it!
This batch is much larger than the first batch of 80HEs. Please be patient while the fulfillment center works through packing these orders as quickly as efficiently as possible

80HE Batch 2 already?!

80HE Batch 2 already?!
80HE Batch 2 already?!
(originally posted on Discord on the 25th of October)
Hard to believe that we're already starting the fulfillment process for batch 2, but here we are!
Hong Kong fulfillment only:
The address confirmations are now open for the orders getting fulfilled out of Hong Kong!
Head over the Wooting Hub to confirm that your shipping address is correct, and get your order queued for fulfillment.
Orders will get queued over the weekend while the warehouse finishes receiving and preparing the freight for individual shipments.
Then, starting probably Tuesday the 29th of October, orders will start getting submitted to get fulfilled

80HE White Zinc Update

80HE White Zinc Update
80HE White Zinc Update
(originally posted on Discord on the 17th of October)
For Discord notifications: Go to My Account on the Wooting Hub and click "Refresh rewards"
If you have an unshipped preorder for a white zinc case, and selected via the Wooting Hub to "Wait for additional options" (or did not make a choice at all), we have sent you a follow up email with additional options.
You can now:
- Choose to receive your order as-is. Receive 40$/40€ in store credit 30 days after delivery. (0-1 month)
- Choose to swap to Black Zinc (1 month)
- Choose to swap to White Zinc v2 (2-3 month)
note: the swaps will be completed in bulk next week
In the email we included a private video that explains the situation in depth, and both the email and the video subtitles were translated into Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, and Japanese for your convenience.
We've also posted a public video that talks about the current status and what to expect moving forward:
Small Recap
We discovered 2 concerns regarding the white zinc case:
- A few white zinc cases were delivered with a small chip in the paint.
- When grazing over the surface with a metal object, it leaves an erasable gray mark.
We immediately decided to investigate the feedback, and just in case paused both the production and sales of the white zinc case. We concluded:
- Small chips in the paint when the keyboard is received. This is covered by warranty. At some point during use you might bump it into a hard object and chip the paint. Past 30 days, this is considered regular wear and tear and not covered by warranty.
- The gray marks can be removed with an eraser or a rough cloth. This is a normal occurrence for spray-painted cases. We tested other white metal keyboards on the market, they experienced the same issue.
The white zinc v1 meets the expectations we had for the product. We could have continued production, but we know that we can do better, so we will. We decided to immediately start on a v2 of the white zinc case that can prevent these 2 occurrences entirely.
White Zinc v2 - Status Report
We decided to explore 2 routes:
- E-coating + spray paint
- Spray paint + UV-coating
The first route (E-coating) didn’t work out. The UV-coating however worked excellent in 2 ways:
- A protective cohesive layer that wouldn’t chip.
- A hardened smooth layer that prevented any object from leaving a mark behind.
There are 2 disadvantages to the UV coating:
- The surface is smoother and has a slight shine.
- The UV alters the white color to look darker and greener.
The color alteration is not acceptable to us. That’s why we’ll need another 2 weeks to test different UV coat mixtures to prevent or minimize the color alteration. (You can see the results in the video)Stay tuned for updates.
Freight Shipments Timings
We have resumed production of enough v1 white zinc cases to fulfill all outstanding orders.
- Pausing production means that the v1 cases were not done in time for the rest of the freight shipments.
- Current estimations are that these units are 2-3 weeks behind the regular batch.
Once production completes, we'll do our quality control tests, and then ship them to our fulfillment centers as quickly as possible. We'll share updated dates once this happens!
A final note....We pride ourselves in our transparency and openness. Situations like this put that to the test.
It has been tough to get all our customers the most accurate and up-to-date information possible, as fast as possible, every step of the way. I think we've done an okay job at that, but there's room to improve. I know there are people who are frustrated and angry, and to those folks I hope you can accept our heartfelt apology for your experience. Hopefully once you receive your new keyboard, it'll all be water under the NA-Bridge/EU-Brug.

80HE: 2nd batch freight shipments

80HE: 2nd batch freight shipments
80HE Second Batch Update!
The second batch of 80HEs is en-route to our fulfillment centers around the world!
Except the White Zinc keyboards and cases...
Later this week, more information will be shared about the status of these orders. If your order contains a white zinc case and you choose to ship it as-is via the Wooting Hub, it will be ready to ship to you about 2-3 weeks after the dates provided below. Later this week, more details will be shared directly to customers via email as well as publicly.
Once the products arrive at the warehouse:
The bulk pallets will be prepared for individual shipments. We'll notify you when it's time to confirm your shipping address via the Wooting Hub. After that, your order will be queued for fulfillment.
Like the first batch, queued orders will be submitted based on the specific items in the order. We’ll provide fulfillment timeframe expectations and other details once we’re ready to start shipping.
US Fulfillment
These keyboards are on the CMA CGM OHIO container ship, heading to the Port of Los Angeles.
Want to track the ship? Track it here
We prioritized these units at the factory and shipped them before the rest of the batch was even finished.
- ETA at the port: 22nd of October (can change)
- Customs Clearance: This is the big wildcard. Random container checks can take up to a week.
- Transport to Fulfillment Center (Las Vegas): After clearing customs, the shipment is trucked to the warehouse
As we are in peak season, the fulfillment center might take up to 10 business days to make the pallets ready for individual shipments.
- Wooting Hub Estimate: Address confirmations should open on the 11th of November.
- This may start earlier if customs goes smoothly. We’ll update you if there’s a change!
NL Fulfillment
These keyboards will be shipped via air freight. The booking hasn’t been confirmed yet, but it typically takes about 2 weeks from start to finish once booked.
- Wooting Hub Estimate: Address confirmations should open on the 31st of October.
- This estimate assumes slower-than-usual logistics. Once we confirm the freight booking, we'll see if we need that extra time or not. With some luck, shipments might start a few days earlier. Stay tuned for updates!
HK Fulfillment
The Hong Kong shipment will travel by truck, making this the shortest trip of all. However, even a short journey requires the cargo to pass through multiple warehouses.
- Wooting Hub Estimate: Address confirmations should open on 24th of October.
There's some extra buffer time for this shipment, but only a couple of days at most. We’ll keep you posted if things move faster than expected!

80HE update: First Batch US Fulfillment

80HE update: First Batch US Fulfillment
80HE update - @NA-Champion Fulfillment
After many months of waiting, and seeing so many people from EU-Kampioen and HK-GuanJun receiving their keyboards, your time has almost come!
NA-Champion has cleared import customs!
The keyboards are now trucking to the fulfillment center. To get to your front door, there are a series of steps to go.
Here's what you can expect!
Step 1: Freight Delivery
Freight arrival at the fulfillment center - delivery is expected tomorrow, Tuesday the 24th of September.
Note: your Wooting Hub will not show the batch as delivered until after step 2.
Step 2: Made Ready for Shipments
The bulk pallets need to be prepared for individual shipments.
We do not know how long this will take.
On the 1st of October, "peak season" officially starts at the fulfillment center.
During peak season, freight deliveries take much longer to be made ready for individual shipments.
This year, they told us to expect up to 10 business days.
This freight delivery happens just before the start of peak season. Does this mean it'll take 10 business days to be made ready? 5 days? We don't know.
Step 3: Pick and pack
Currently we expect to start shipping orders on the 1st of October.
This is what your delivery estimate in the Wooting Hub assumes as well.
Address confirmations will start on Monday the 30th of September.
You'll be able to confirm your shipping address is still accurate via the Wooting Hub.
We will be submitting orders in groups to help the fulfillment center get as many orders out the door as quickly as possible.
Expect that it will take a full week to get through all the orders, once shipments start.
- Group 1: Prebuilt plastic
- Group 2: Prebuilt zinc
- Group 3: Modules
Step 4: Shipped to you
Getting so very close now! Once your order is packed, a shipping label will be printed and you will receive a tracking link.
With so many shipments going out at once, parcel carriers will not scan them at pickup. Between the time a shipping label being created and the parcel is scanned at the first sorting center, there will be no updates to the tracking. This blind spot can be frustrating, but is perfectly normal.
NA-Champion orders could pick between two shipping methods. You can check which you have on the original order confirmation email.
Expedited shipping:
- Should deliver within 7 days of the label being created.
- If it takes longer, but is still on the way, we will refund the $7.99 you paid for shipping.
- If the tracking does not update for more than 7 days, it can be considered lost.
Economy shipping:
- Should deliver within 14 days of the label being created.
- If it takes longer but is still on the way, then we kindly ask your patience with "free shipping."
- If the tracking does not update for more than 14 days, it can be considered lost.
Step 5: Delivered
Coming soon to a battlestation near you!
If you need any assistance with your shipment, or after delivery, please contact us via the Support Wizard.

80HE Update: First Batch United States Fulfillment

80HE Update: First Batch United States Fulfillment
United States Fulfillment for @NA-Champion
The orders shipping via HK and NL get to be shipped a little earlier, but we've got some good news for our US friends as well!
We're a bit ahead of schedule and with some luck can start fulfilling orders before the end of September!
These keyboards are traveling via sea freight from China to Los Angeles. You can follow the shipment live! They're on this boat, currently sailing across the Pacific Ocean!
On the vessel tracker, you can see that the boat is expected in the Port of Los Angeles on the 16th of September. However, please take this date with a grain of salt... Sea freight shipments often take up to a week longer to arrive at port than the tracker estimates.
Once the keyboards arrive in LA, they will need to clear customs. Typically this takes a day or two, but there is a chance that our container gets randomly selected for additional checks. This is perfectly normal, but if it happens can take a week to complete.
After the keyboards clear customs, they will get trucked to our fulfillment center in Las Vegas, who are ready and waiting to pack thousands of orders per day.
Stay tuned for the exact date when we'll start the address confirmations and start submitting orders to get fulfilled!

80HE Update: First Batch Netherlands Fulfillment

80HE Update: First Batch Netherlands Fulfillment
Netherlands Fulfillment for @EU-Kampioen
The Dutch fulfillment center will be packing the most orders, with the most SKU combinations, and delivering to the most countries. We've been working closely with them to ensure this goes smoothly, and can't wait to knock it out of the park!
To help prepare, we've been meticulously reviewing the shipping addresses for all of these orders over the last few weeks, with the goal of spotting any problems (and getting them fixed) before we're ready to submit the orders.
Even still, we will use the address confirmation system via the Wooting Hub to force everyone to double check that everything is in order before we yeet the parcels all over the world.
Starting at the end of this week...
Friday the 13th of September:
You will be able to confirm your shipping address is (still) correct via the Wooting Hub. Once you confirm your address, your order will be queued for fulfillment.
Monday the 16th of September:
Orders will start getting submitted for fulfillment. They will get submitted based on primarily the items in the order and secondarily the destination country.
- Orders with fewer items will get submitted first (I know... they spent less and get to go first? Not cool... But efficient! We need this efficiency, and it's only a couple day's difference, I promise!)
- Orders shipping to countries closer to the Netherlands will get packed first, then EU orders, then high volume destinations like the UK, Canada, and Australia, then the rest of the world.
Tuesday the 17th of September:
Wooting Team will be at the fulfillment center to document the process for a fulfillment vlog similar to the factory tour!

80HE Update: First Batch Hong Kong Fulfillment

80HE Update: First Batch Hong Kong Fulfillment
Hong Kong Fulfillment for @HK-GuanJun
The freight shipments have been booked and pallets upon pallets of 80HE's are on their way to our fulfillment centers around the world!
The first fulfillment center to receive the keyboards is the one in Hong Kong.
All of the orders that will get fulfilled via HK have been reallocated to the HK-GuanJun batch. Make sure you "refresh roles" on the Wooting Hub so that you can get notified via Discord once they're ready to go!
This is the first time that we're going to be shipping this many orders with this many SKUs via our Hong Kong fulfillment center. To make sure it goes smoothly, we're taking it a bit slow. The keyboards will be ready next week, but we're going to take a little bit of extra time to coordinate with the fulfillment center so that there's no surprises.
Starting today....
Wednesday the 11th of September:
You will be able to confirm your shipping address is (still) correct via the Wooting Hub. Once you confirm your address, your order will be queued for fulfillment.
Friday the 13th of September:
All of the queued orders will get submitted for fulfillment at the end of the day. This will allow us to review the submitted orders over the weekend and make sure there are no glitches.
Monday the 16th of September:
The fulfillment center will start packing orders and preparing them for shipment!
- Orders shipping to China will get packed first, and then imported in bulk back to China where they will get shipped domestically to customers.
- Orders shipping to Hong Kong will get shipped domestically.
- Then orders shipping to Japan and Taiwan will get packed and shipped via express courier.

Lekker v2 Switches Have Arrived!

Lekker v2 Switches Have Arrived!
Lekker v2 switch packs available now!
(soon for USA)
The best switch Wooting has ever made is now available for purchase on our storefront! These switches have improved housing tolerances for less key wobble AND improved magnet tolerances for more accurate and precise measurement of switch position. Feast your ears on a lovely sound test.
You can now order L60 switch packs or L45 switch packs, in packs of 20, 70, or 90.
Shipping times:
- In stock in the Netherlands, ready to ship!
- Arriving soon in the United States, shipments start on the 10th of September
Already have a Wooting keyboard? (any keyboard other than the 80HE)
Enjoy a limited time discount to upgrade to the new Lekker v2 switches!
You'll find a discount code in the Rewards section of your Wooting Hub to get 20% off either a 70 pack or 90 pack of v2 switches.
This discount will be valid until all of the Lekker v1 switch packs are gone.
Speaking of v1 switch packs... We've still got quite a few of them at our fulfillment centers! While supplies last, all of these switch packs are now 50% off by default! This means that a new 70 pack of v1 switches are just $19.99/€19.99(incl. VAT) when purchased by themselves, or just $9.99/€9.99(incl. VAT) when purchased with a module! A 12 pack of Lekker v1's are just $4.49/€4.49(incl. VAT)!

80HE Update! QC Passed!

80HE Update! QC Passed!
80HE update - QC Passed!
Great news! The first batch of 80HE's have passed all of the quality control checks with flying colors!
This means that there's only three steps remaining between now and you having your new keyboard on your desk, ready to game.
- Freight Shipment: Getting the keyboards to our fulfillment centers in Hong Kong, the Netherlands, and the US.
- Pick & Pack: The fulfillment center picking all the items in your order and packing your shipment.
- Last Mile Shipment: The parcel carrier delivering the parcel to your front door!
It's getting close now... Are you excited yet? We sure are!
Now that fulfillment is right around the corner, we're locking down order edits for the first batch.
Starting the 1st of September, customers in the 1st batch will no longer be able to add items to their 80HE order.
- Requests to add items made prior to the 1st of September will still be honoured, while supplies last.
- This includes swapping items, as that requires "adding" the new item.
- It will be possible to remove items after the 1st of September.
- If you absolutely must add that additional item after the 1st, expect that it will probably push your order to the 2nd batch.
Please note, if you request an order edit prior to the 1st of September, it will take up to a week to process it. We've got quite a few support requests outstanding, and are primarily focused on the most time critical requests: Cancellations, Shipment Support, and Returns.
Locking down order edits for the first batch well ahead of fulfillment helps us ensure we can process all of them by the time the orders are ready to ship. Thank you for your understanding and patience!

80HE Update! Nearing Completion...

80HE Update! Nearing Completion...
80HE update! Nearing Completion...
Too long, didn't read...
- The first batch is almost done!
- Manufacturing completes Monday the 26th of August.
- Next are quality control checks - this takes a few days.
- Then freight shipments to our fulfillment centers in HK, NL, and US!
- New batch name for orders shipping via HK - refresh roles on the Hub!
Hungry for details? Why of course!
For manufacturing updates, best to check out our latest Youtube videos including the production updates and the factory tour vlogs!
High Quality Products
How do we ensure that your keyboard is going to be high quality?
In manufacturing, the definition of quality is the adherence to the specification.
The specification, or the spec, is the standards and expectations that Wooting has for all our products. The spec defines what we consider are "defects" and also categorizes them as minor, major, and critical defects. We consider things like:
- Do all of the components work as expected? LEDs, sensors, switches, stabilizers, etc.
- Is the product assembled correctly and perfectly? No gaps, loose screws, or cables not fully plugged in.
- Are there any cosmetic issues? No blemishes, stains, or scratches.
- Is everything packaged neatly into its product box? Are the product boxes neatly combined into master cartons? Does it have all the right stickers for the barcodes and certifications?
We measure this by doing Quality Assurance (QA) testing and Quality Control (QC) testing! These are technically two different things, but work together to ensure that the product that ends up on your desk is the best it can be. Quality Assurance is about the process, Quality Control is about the product.
The factory is responsible for quality assurance, where they keep a close eye on the production process to ensure that everything they make meets our expectations.
Quality control is checked by a third party service to ensure nothing gets missed. The randomly pick master cartons of finished products to investigate what's really in the box. They sample enough products to be sure that their experience opening many boxes is a good representation of what all customers might experience opening their box.
There's a whole science to it! Thankfully, we don't need to reinvent the wheel. The US Department of Defense set the standard for sampling, called the MIL-STD-105E, back in 1989.
What's critical to understand is that we decide what kinds of defects are considered minor, major, and critical. We also decide how many of each kind of defect are acceptable in a batch of products. The exact numbers are confidential, but our commitment to quality demands that they are very small.
Freight shipments
Once the keyboards pass quality control testing, we will ship them to our three fulfillment centers around the world!
All of the orders for the first batch are split into three batch names, depending on the fulfillment center that will ship the order. Just this week, we updated the orders that will get shipped via the Hong Kong fulfillment center to show the HK- batch name.
Make sure to check your Wooting Hub to see if your order got swapped to that batch! If it did, make sure to refresh your roles on the Hub, so that you can get the lastest notifications for your batch.
All three fulfillment centers will receive the 80HEs on different days. HK will receive it first, because they're the closest to the manufacturer. Then the NL fulfillment center will get their 80HEs, followed by the US fulfillment center.
Once the freight shipments start, we'll know with pretty good accuracy when exactly the fulfillment centers will be ready to start packing and shipping orders.
We'll be sure to post an update here once we have the exact dates. In that update, we'll share more about the fulfillment process including how exactly the fulfillment centers will manage to pack and ship thousands of parcels in just a few days!

80HE Update: Mass Production Continues!

80HE Update: Mass Production Continues!
80HE Update: Mass Production Continues!
Good news! We found the problem with the IC part "U9," and fixed it.
Calder goes into depth about the IC part problem, what caused the short circuits, and how we addressed the issue. I'll leave Calder to discuss the technical details in the Youtube video, but the super short version is: the way the keyboards were getting tested to ensure they worked correctly was ironically breaking them.
Here are the details:
Wooting 80HE - We Found and Fixed the Problem
What does this mean for the delivery timeframe?
Unfortunately, this does not mean that we'll be able to deliver your keyboard to you earlier than the estimates we communicated a couple weeks ago.
By stopping production until the problem was fully understood and fixed, that means the six week delay communicated previously is now set in stone.
Thankfully, the keyboards that we've already made do not need to be reworked! That said, we do still want to check each and every one of the keyboards that were manufactured to make sure no problems slipped through. This rechecking will take a couple of weeks to be fully completed. At the same time, the remaining keyboards from the batch are being manufactured. It's worth noting as well that the factory making 80HE's also needs to keep up with the demand for 60HEs, W2HEs, as well as creating products for other companies.
With all of these considerations in mind, the updated estimated ready date for the full batch of keyboards at the factory is the 26th of August. I want to take a moment here to express gratitude to our manufacturing partner for their flexibility, openness, and agility in adapting to the changing circumstances. It's no small feat to dramatically reconfigure mass production planning and scheduling, especially when throughout this process there were a great many unknowns and questions.
After production, what's next?
Once the batch finishes production on the 26th of August, a third party quality assurance company will inspect the keyboards to ensure that they all match our specifications. We've been using this third party service for years now, so they are very experienced in understanding our products and expectations. We expect this to take a few days.
After we get the green light from quality assurance, the keyboards will make their way to our three fulfillment centers in Hong Kong, the Netherlands, and the United States.
Transit methods and times are different for each fulfillment center. Even after we book the individual freight shipments, the actual delivery to our fulfillment centers may still change. The dates provided below are a realistic expectation for when we believe we can start fulfilling orders, but they are still estimates and are subject to change.
HK fulfillment starts: 17th of September
NL fulfillment starts: 26th of September
US fulfillment starts: 8th of October
Remember, these dates can still change. We'll be sure to update everyone if they do!
How long will fulfillment take?
To fulfill all of the orders in this first batch, even split across three fulfillment centers around the world, it will take up to a week for all of the orders to get fulfilled.
Each fulfillment center has a slightly different strategy for how they want to execute on getting the entire batch completed as efficiently as possible.
Remember to check the Wooting Hub for the most up to date delivery estimate for your specific order. This estimate is tailored for your batch, your shipping method, and the country your order is delivering to.

80HE: Major Manufacturing Delay

80HE: Major Manufacturing Delay
80HE Update - Major Manufacturing Delay
The estimated delivery date of the 80HE has been pushed back 6 weeks for all regions and all batches due to a problem discovered during the manufacturing process.
Your Wooting Hub has been updated with the new date that your order is expected to deliver to your front door, based on your specific fulfillment region and shipping method.
What happened?
We've posted a video update sharing more information about the problem we discovered, and how we are resolving it.
In short, a critical IC part has a high level of defects. This in and of itself isn't a huge problem, as each keyboard gets tested multiple times during the manufacturing process. However, while investigating this problem we discovered that keyboards could pass all of the checks during manufacturing and then still fail after it has been packaged and prepared for shipment.
This means that some of the keyboards could be packed up at the factory in a working condition, but by the time it delivers to you, it's dead on arrival. This is absolutely unacceptable, and therefore production was completely halted until we can get this figured out.
How will we fix it?
Replacement IC parts are en route to the factory, and manufacturing will start back up as early as next week. Due to the nature of the PCBA production process, especially the water resistant coating process, as well as the sheer volume of keyboards getting produced, it will take up to 6 weeks for all of the keyboards to get produced.
There is a chance that the keyboards we've already manufactured can get reworked to replace the current IC part with a new one. If so, this would speed up the timeframe. However, this needs to get validated before we can confidently consider that as part of the delivery estimate.
Our commitments to you
Wooting is committed to producing the highest quality products we can. While this delay is both significant and frustrating, we believe that getting it right the first time is more important that getting it done quickly.
If you disagree with our decision, or your patience has run out, we understand. If you wish to cancel your preorder, you can do so for a full refund any time prior to the order getting submitted for fulfillment. To do so, reach out via the Wooting Hub's contact us page or email
Our current focus is to ensure that the production can continue as soon as possible. You can be sure that we will be checking, double checking, and triple checking the replacement IC parts to ensure that they will function as expected for years and years to come.
At the same time, we are conducting a thorough root cause analysis and will share the results of our investigations in a deep-dive blog post at a later date.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
<3 Wooting

First Logistics Update for 80HE

First Logistics Update for 80HE
Batch update for 80HE - Logistics
This is the first batch update for our newest keyboard, the Wooting 80HE. The focus of this update is on the logistics of getting your new keyboard into your hands. If you want to learn more about the development and manufacturing of the 80HE, checkout our Youtube videos documenting the process!
The date mass production finishes is (finally) locked in! The first batch will be complete by the 26th of July, about 4 weeks behind schedule.
After production, the keyboards will travel via land, air, and sea, to our fulfillment centers in Hong Kong, the Netherlands, and America.
The freight shipments each have a different estimated ready date to start fulfilling orders:
- HK fulfillment center: 6th of August
- NL fulfillment center: 15th of August
- US fulfillment center: 27th of August
Each fulfillment center will process the large volume of shipments a little bit differently, but all three will take up to a week to fulfill all the orders.
The above applies to NA-Champion and EU-Kampioen
For NA-Bridge and EU-Brug orders, this pushes the production planning for your batch back about 4 weeks as well.
The long version
The marketing team got to play around during the campaign, the industrial designers made sure we're getting the best possible products, the devs are working on polishing the firmware and the software, but now's when the real fun begins. You want your new keyboard in your hands. What's it gunna take?
Welcome to the world of logistics.
We need to get the keyboards and accessories from the manufactures to our fulfillment centers, and from the fulfillment centers to all you across the globe. And we've got to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible, with the fewest number of errors.
We have three fulfillment partners around the world, and each one will receive the products at a different time. NA-Champion will get fulfilled via the US fulfillment center. EU-Kampioen will get split between NL and HK fulfillment.
Hong Kong fulfillment
Orders getting fulfilled via HK will get assigned a new batch name, HK-Kampioen. Or should we call it HK-GuànJūn? If your order is going to get shipped via HK, in the next few weeks you'll this update in the Wooting Hub. You do not have to take any action.
Orders will be assigned to HK fulfillment based on the destination country and the items in the order. Soon, new orders will be able to pick their preferred fulfillment center during checkout. However, for this batch and for any orders placed before that system goes live, that has already been decided and unfortunately cannot be overridden based on personal preference.
Orders shipping via HK will get fulfilled based on destination country: first China, then Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan. We expect this fulfillment process to take about 1 full week.
Netherlands fulfillment
Our Dutch fulfillment partner will fulfill the most orders, with the most SKUs, shipping to the most countries, via the most parcel carriers. This is operationally very complex, but we made a solid plan with the fulfillment center and are ready to knock it out of the park.
Orders will get fulfilled based on product combinations and then destination country. Orders with fewer products will get fulfilled first, followed by orders with more accessories. That means people who bought more accessories will get fulfilled a later than those who didn't, which feels a bit backwards but is operationally much more efficient. Within cohorts of orders with similar items, shipments will be packed based on destination country, starting close to the Netherlands then radiating outward.
Roughly 80% of orders will get fulfilled within 5 days. However, due to the immense complexity of the operation, the remaining 20% of orders could take up to two full weeks to get completely processed.
USA fulfillment
I'm sure you noticed that US orders will start getting fulfilled last. This is because we must use sea freight to bring the keyboards from China to America. Our hope is to get these keyboards made first and start the freight shipment early. We have yet to get confirmation that this is possible, or how much sooner they can be ready, but we'll update you once we get that information.
We expect the fulfillment itself to go smoothly, once the products arrive. Unlike our Dutch fulfillment partner, US orders are all going to US addresses and there are fewer SKUs to deal with. They have been made aware of the larger-than-normal volume heading their way, and they're ready for it. Even still, expect it to take about 5 days for all the orders to get processed.
All fulfillment centers
Many thousands of orders, 100+ product combinations, shipping to 80+ countries around the world... Fulfillment at scale takes time, and both humans as well as machines make mistakes. Rest assured, Wooting has seen every kind of shipping case imaginable - we've got your back! We've got keyboards reserved to deal with lost, damaged, or defective shipments.

The 60HE has become the 60HE+!

The 60HE has become the 60HE+!
The 60HE has become the 60HE+!
Starting with NA-Sea and EU-Zee, the prebuilt 60HE has become a prebuilt 60HE+.
This also applies to all future batches, including the upcoming NA-Apple, EU-Steeltje, and EU-Vochtig.
What is the difference between the 60HE and the 60HE+?
There is a physical change to the PCBA design so that it is compatible with screw-in stabilizers.
What hasn't changed between the 60HE and 60HE+?
The prebuilt 60HE+ still comes with plate-mounted stabilizers. (It is compatible with screw-in stabs, they are not included.)
The prebuilt 60HE+ still comes with a steel switch plate.
All prebuilt 60HEs and 60HE+s come with preinstalled L60 switches.
For ANSI 60HEs and 60HE+s, it comes with black Wooting PBT keycaps preinstalled.
For ISO 60HEs and 60HE+s, it does not come with keycaps so you can pick your preferred ISO keycap language.
How is the prebuilt 60HE+ different from the 60HE+ module?
The 60HE+ module is a premium version of the 60HE+, aimed at custom keyboard hobbyists.
The module comes with...
- screw-in stabilizers preinstalled
- polycarbonate switch plate preinstalled
The module does not come with...
- switches: you can pick between L45 and L60 switches at purchase or use a third-party switch.
- keycaps: you can pick from the keycaps available on our storefront or use third-party keycaps.
- case: you can pick from the available Alumaze60 options or use a third-party case.
Why did Wooting make this change? Why even call it a 60HE+?
While developing the 60HE+ module, we needed to make a physical change to the PCBA to support screw-in stabilizers. This was a very important feature for many people in the hobbyist community!
Operationally, it doesn't make sense to have two different PCBA versions, so we brought the changes to the prebuilt version as well.
This compatibility update doesn't matter to most people, except for one specific scenario: secondhand sales.
If someone buys the keyboard from ebay or Marktplaats, it would be extremely difficult for the buyer to know whether or not their keyboard is compatible with screw-in stabs unless we updated the product name.
We still have a bunch of original prebuilt 60HEs in the warehouse!
If compatibility update isn't important to you, then you probably just want your new keyboard ASAP!
Good news: we've got the buffer stock on hand to ship lots of orders!
So that we don't overload our customer service team, this will all be automated.
Starting mid-next week, while supplies last:
Current preorders for NA-Sea and EU-Zee will be able to swap their prebuilt 60HE+ for an original prebuilt 60HE via the Wooting Hub and get their order shipped immediately*.
note: immediately doesn't mean teleportation: still need to go through the fulfillment process.
When this becomes possible via the Wooting Hub, you'll get an email notification.
New orders of can choose between the prebuilt original 60HE and the prebuilt 60HE+ in the storefront configurator.
For ISO layout 60HEs, we have a very small buffer. If you want your order shipped early instead of waiting for the 60HE+, you'll need to be quick!
For ANSI layout 60HEs, we have quite a substantial buffer. We expect to be selling the original prebuilt 60HE alongside preorders for the prebuilt 60HE+ for at least a few weeks.
Timing for upcoming 60HE+ batches:
The dates below are when we expect each batch will be ready at the warehouse for individual shipments.
These dates can still change, but are a pretty good reference point. Once all of your items are at the warehouse and ready to go, you'll get an automated email heads up.
- NA-Sea: shipments start the 18th of March
- Na-Apple: shipments start the 28th of March
- EU-Zee: shipments start the 17th of February
- EU-Steeltje: shipments start the 28th of February
- EU-Vochtig: shipments start the 4th of April

The King of the (keyboard) Jungle

The King of the (keyboard) Jungle
Extra, extra, hot off the press!
Quality control checks passed majestically, and the keyboards are roaring to start the freight shipments from the manufacturing den on towards our fulfillment centers!
The lion's share of the batch will head to the Dutch fulfillment center, with a portion heading to the US and a portion heading to Hong Kong as well.
Netherlands fulfillment
It's business as usual: the freight shipment via air will take 2-3 weeks in total, and shipments can start the first week of January.
US fulfillment
It looks like we're going to catch an earlier boat than originally forecasted! That would mean we could start last-mile shipments 1 to 2 weeks ahead of schedule.
This will not be reflected in your estimated delivery date until we get confirmation that we caught the earlier boat.
Hong Kong fulfillment
The first shipments (from the last batch) took longer to get going than we had hoped, but are now in progress! As part of the trail, we sent test shipments to each of the destination countries, and they went without a hitch.
Therefore, the remainder of the orders will get packed and shipped out this week, delivering to your front door next week.
With the initial setup complete, we'll be fulfilling additional orders from EU-Leeuwin out of Hong Kong as well. It possible that these can get shipped the week of the 18th of December, and deliver before the end of the year.
If your shipment is eligible to get pulled forward, we will inform you via email directly.
The King of the (keyboard) Jungle
NA-Lion and EU-Leeuwin both still have keyboards available for purrchase, in ANSI and ISO. These beasts are the pride of Wooting, now's your chance to pounce! 🦁

Syrup for Christmas?? Lions and/en Leeuwins to kick off 2024

Syrup for Christmas?? Lions and/en Leeuwins to kick off 2024
December is already upon us, with just one more major keyboard batch arriving to our fulfillment center this year. Here's what you can expect to wrap up 2023, and a first look into the start of 2024!
The last major batch shipment of 2023 is NA-Syrup, and it's coming in hot! The freight shipment has made its way to America, has cleared local customs, and is expected to arrive at the fulfillment center today.
Once it arrives, the bulk shipment needs to be received and prepared for individual shipments. This process typically takes a couple business days.
The freight shipment is a full week ahead of schedule, and with a little bit of luck, the keyboards might even deliver to customers before Christmas! (This is not a guarantee... Holiday season in the US gets crazy for parcels!)
Shipments start: the 11th of December
The next batch of 60HEs heading to the US is NA-Lion, which has just finished getting manufactured and is currently getting checked by quality control. As soon as it passes, the freight shipment can start. Since the freight shipment is traveling during the height of the holiday season, we've added some extra buffer to ensure that we achieve the estimated delivery dates listed on the Wooting Hub.
Our expectation is that by the time NA-Lion is ready for shipments, the batch will be just about sold out. As always, orders get allocated a keyboard from the earliest available batch at the time of purchase. Therefore, the sooner your order, the sooner it delivers!
Shipments start: the 27th of January
This batch will be the very first to arrive to our EU fulfillment center in 2024, and it's a big one. Really big. So large in fact, that the manufacturer has provided two different ready dates for the ISO and ANSI layout keyboards. The ISO keyboards have already finished getting made, and passed the quality control checks. The ANSI layout keyboards are expected to finish getting manufactured by the 11th of December, and will then get its quality control checks completed.
Once quality control is passed, we'll be shipping these keyboards to our EU fulfillment center. In the EU, the holiday season is not quite as disruptive to freight shipments, and therefore we expect it to arrive in time to start shipping to customers the first week of January. However, due to the enormous size of the batch, we expect it to take a full week to get all of the shipments packed and out the door.
There is a very good chance that by the time these keyboards deliver to our EU fulfillment center, we will have enough 60HEs to be in stock for both ANSIs and ISOs! This would be the first time that ANSI 60HEs are in stock for orders shipping from the EU, with ISO 60HEs having been in stock for a couple of weeks at the start of November.
Shipments start: the 5th of January

W2HEs out of stock, new batches coming in soon!

W2HEs out of stock, new batches coming in soon!
The full sized Wooting Two HEs were in stock for about a month, but the sales rate increased faster than our production schedule planned for... Thankfully, our batch allocation system seamlessly transitioned into a backorder queue as designed.
Broadly speaking, we'll be getting the W2HE back in stock once the next freight shipment arrives at the end of January. Wanna know the details? Keep reading below!
US orders (USxxxxxA)
Fully received and shipped out to customers. Enjoy! <3
This batch is currently being manufactured, and is expected to finish during the week of the 11th of December. The freight shipment will be bundled with NA-Thunder, and will travel to our fulfillment center shortly thereafter.
Due to the holiday season, we've added in some extra time in case the freight shipment takes longer than usual. If the batch ends up delivering early, we'll make sure to @mention people on Discord, and send out emails to all the customers in the batch.
Shipments start: the 5th of February
This batch is also getting manufactured, with final assembly to be completed just after NA-Tiger finishes. This will be ready at the manufacturer by the 15th of December. Once completed, quality control checks will be done and the batch will make its way to our US fulfillment center along with NA-Tiger.
We'll let NA-Tiger have a 3-day head start on confirming their shipping address and starting the fulfillment process, then we'll start getting these orders shipped out!
Shipments start: the 8th of February
By the time NA-Thunder arrives to the warehouse, we expect to be back in stock with a limited number of keyboards available for immediate purchase. When NA-Storm delivers a couple weeks later, that will bolster the available stock to a healthy level.
NA-Accident, NA-Jump
By the time these batches are delivering to our fulfillment center, we'll have plenty of stock of W2HEs on hand. These two batches will make sure that we're in great shape to keep the W2HE in stock for the foreseeable future!
International orders (EUxxxxxH)
Fully received and shipped out to customers. Enjoy! <3
The sister batch to NA-Tiger, the production is expected to finish the week of the 11th of December. This batch will be shipped to our EU fulfillment center, which tends to be a little quicker freight shipment than the one heading to the US. Historically, the holiday season has had less of an impact on freight logistics in the EU than in the US. We will probably be able to start shipping these orders sooner than the date listed below, but how much sooner is unknown. To get notified the moment that orders are ready to get fulfilled, sign up for batch notifications via Discord on the Wooting Hub!
Shipments start: the 30th of January.
Just like with NA-Thunder, this batch will be completed immediately after EU-Tijger and will travel to our fulfillment center in the same freight shipment. The EU fulfillment center typically takes a little bit longer to get a full batch shipped out. Should the freight shipment deliver to the warehouse early, we will first let all of EU-Tijger get fulfilled before starting shipments of EU-Donder.
Shipments start: the 1st of February
Coming right on the heels of EU-Donder, EU-Onweer will get manufactured and shipped to our EU fulfillment center in time to get us fully caught up on preorders. Once this batch delivers, we expect to be in stock for both ANSI and ISO layout keyboards.
Shipments start: the 6th of February
EU-Ongeval, EU-Spring
These batches will arrive just a week or two after EU-Onweer, and will serve to bolster the number of keyboards in stock to ensure that the W2HE is ready for immediate fulfillment all over the world.

Module launch, US batches!

Module launch, US batches!
60HE+ Module is finally available!
This introductory batch update will list out the first five batches of 60HE+ Modules. Want to know what the Module is? Check out the product page!
The first batch, NA-Clouds, will finish manufacturing on the 4th of December.
From there, quality control will check them and the freight shipment to our US fulfillment center will start!
Given the Christmas holiday, we've planned for the freight shipment to take 6 weeks instead of the usual 3-4 weeks.
Last-mile shipments starting: 16th of January, 2024
Second through fifth batches
After the first batch gets manufactured, the later batches will be completed in quick succession.
The planned manufacturing ready date for each of these is listed below. These dates are not yet set in stone, but are a good indication.
NA-Sky: finishes production the 11th of January, ships to customers starting the 15th of February.
NA-Airplane: finishes production the 16th of January, ships to customers starting the 20th of February.
NA-Moisture: finishes production the 25th of January, ships to customers starting the 7th of March.
NA-Bluetail: finishes production the 31st of January, ships to customers starting the 14th of March.

Module launch, EU batches!

Module launch, EU batches!
60HE+ Module is finally available!
This introductory batch update will list out the first five batches of 60HE+ Modules. Want to know what the Module is? Check out the product page!
The first batch, EU-Wolken, will finish manufacturing on the 4th of December.
From there, quality control will check them and the freight shipment to our NL fulfillment center will start!
Given the Christmas holiday, we've planned for the freight shipment to take 4 weeks instead of the usual 2-3 weeks.
Last-mile shipments starting: 4th of January, 2024
Second through fifth batches
After the first batch gets manufactured, the later batches will be completed in quick succession.
The planned manufacturing ready date for each of these is listed below. These dates are not yet set in stone, but are a good indication.
EU-Lucht: finishes production the 11th of January, ships to customers starting the 1st of February.
EU-Vliegtuig: finishes production the 16th of January, ships to customers starting the 6th of February.
EU-Vocht: finishes production the 25th of January, ships to customers starting the 22nd of February.
EU-Blauwstaart: finishes production the 31st of January, ships to customers starting the 29th of February.

Breakfast based batches, fresh fulfillment futures, happy hall-effect holidays!

Breakfast based batches, fresh fulfillment futures, happy hall-effect holidays!
It's been a few weeks since the last major batch update, and there is lots to share. We've got a three big batches on the horizon; EU-Pannenkoek/NA-Pancake, EU-Poedersuiker, and EU-Siroop/NA-Syrup.
EU-Pannenkoek and NA-Pancake
EU-Pannenkoek has already delivered and orders have shipped out. With it, the ISO layout of the 60HE is in stock!
NA-Pancake, its sister batch, has arrived at the Port of Los Angeles. Next step is to clear customs, followed by a quick trip via truck to the fulfillment center. The freight is expected to deliver to the fulfillment center by the 21st of November.
With Thanksgiving around the corner, followed by the two largest ecommerce days of the year, (Black Friday and Cyber Monday) it is unlikely for the keyboards to be made ready for individual shipments until the end of November - maybe later. We'll tag on Discord and send an email as soon as your order is ready to get fulfilled. Make sure to sign up for batch role on Discord via the Wooting Hub!
EU-Poedersuiker, EU-Siroop, EU-Siroop-2, EU-Siroop-3, and NA-Syrup
Wooting is continuing to scale production in a big way, which has led to challenges in some areas and opportunities in others. One of the challenges is in the rapid fulfillment of the ever increasing batch sizes, but I'll get back to that.
First, I want to tell you about a problem we were able to solve without impacting any individual's delivery estimate. This was only possible due to how close we are to being caught up on preorder demand.
Namely, our quality control checks flagged a problem with one of the parts used in the assembly of the 60HE. This batch of EPDM foam was more hard than previous ones, that when assembled in a new 60HE caused the PCBA to sit unevenly in the case. Every single keyboard in the batch was inspected, and 70% of them experienced this problem to some degree. Thankfully, the problem is an easy fix: all it costs is time to source a fresh batch of foam, and time to rework (reassemble) those keyboards.
Thankfully, we had the time. Since we are currently have ISO 60HEs in stock, we could easily reconfigure manufacturing priorities to focus on ANSIs. Additionally, in the US we had ANSIs in stock for as long as ten days last month! With NA-Pancake already en route, we will be in stock again in the US for at least a few days. Therefore, all of the keyboards that passed the 100% inspection plus a chunk of the next batch will get used to fulfill the oldest outstanding preorders.
That would be EU-Poedersuiker orders, whose shipments will deliver to them on time and without delay. Shipments for these orders are expected to start on the 21st of November.
The keyboards that needed to be reassembled, plus the last chunk of that next batch, have been assigned to the orders in EU-Siroop, EU-Siroop-2, and EU-Siroop-3. We broke this batch apart into three parts while we were unsure on the timing for getting the foam issue fixed.
The first part, EU-Siroop, is expected to start shipments on the 23rd of November.
The second part, EU-Siroop-2, has been pulled forward several days with shipments expected to start on the 28th of November.
The third part, EU-Siroop-3, has been pulled forward several weeks with shipments expected to start on the 5th of December.
NA-Syrup gets the short end of the stick, now a much smaller batch and delivering later than originally expected. However, nobody's order has been allocated to this batch yet, and won't for a few weeks yet. After NA-Syrup we've got NA-Lion and EU-Leeuwin, which won't arrive to our fulfillment centers until the start of 2024.
Hong Kong Fulfillment
Finally, there is more good news for EUxxxxxH orders! A fair chunk of keyboards out of EU-Poedersuiker and EU-Siroop have been diverted to a new fulfillment center based in Hong Kong. We will be doing a trial run for selected orders that are destined for customers in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan and only contain ANSI-US 60HEs. If your order is selected for this trial, we will notify you via email directly. Assuming the trial goes well, we'll get our accessories stocked there too.
By adding a fulfillment center in Hong Kong, we can dramatically reduce the pressure on our EU fulfillment center which will result in a smoother shipping experience for those customers. Additionally, freight shipments to Hong Kong from our various suppliers in China is much faster, cheaper, and environmentally friendly for orders destined to customers in that region.

Alumaze60 in stock in US and arrived in EU!

Alumaze60 in stock in US and arrived in EU!
In the US, NA-Maze orders have shipped out to customers and the Alumaze60 is currently in stock!
There aren't many left from this first batch though, by the time we launch the 60HE Module, we expect all colors to have sold out. Next batch won't be at our fulfillment center for several weeks, at which point we'll be right in the middle of holiday-season shipping craziness. Expect that the second batch of Alumaze won't start shipping until after Christmas.
In the EU, EU-Doolhof orders can now queue for fulfillment!
We want to make sure to first ship out the current preorders before listing the Alumaze as in stock. Just like in the US, this first batch is almost sold out, with orders for the Concrete Gray already getting allocated to the next batch, EU-Geluk. It is unlikely for those to be ready to ship until after Christmas.
A note on EU order fulfillment times:
The past few weeks have seen more orders packed and shipped by our EU fulfillment center than ever before. Something about catching up on 60HE preorders, new product launches, W2HEs and UwUs in stock, etc... The pace at which order volumes increased took our fulfillment center by surprise, despite our best efforts to warn them that it was coming.
This caused them to get backlogged and highlighted a weakness in their highly automated system: orders are not fulfilled based on how long ago they were submitted, but instead based on:
- the number of items
- the type of items
- the shipping method
- the shipping destination
In their system design, they incorrectly assumed that all orders would get packed within a couple days.
By constantly hammering them with new orders to get fulfilled, a small number of orders kept getting pushed to the back of the queue, causing them to not get fulfilled for weeks. If this happened to you, our sincerest apologies!
Now that we understand the problem, we can improve it. We've adjusted our order submission process to account for this reality, and our fulfillment center is hard at work making upgrades to their process automation to address this gap from their perspective. There's lots of different ways to chip away at this problem and make the fulfillment process smoother for everyone, and we're on it.
A note on US order fulfillment times:
What the EU just experienced, is coming to the US. For a different reason, and unfortunately not one we can easily solve.
That's to say, now that we're in November, it's officially the Holiday Shipping Season in the US. Also known as logistics hell. Expect every step of the logistics process to be at (or above) capacity, with bottlenecks (and delays) left and right, and individuals taking shortcuts to keep up with the pressure.
Expect any combination of the following possibilities to delay your order getting delivered to you:
- Freight shipments unloading at the harbor or airport
- Customs checks for freight shipments
- Freight deliveries from port to warehouse
- Fulfillment center receiving freight shipments
- Fulfillment center preparing bulk freight for individual shipments
- Fulfillment center packaging and shipping orders
- Parcel carriers picking up parcels from the fulfillment center
- Post sorting at parcel distribution centers
- Handoffs from bulk parcel shipment companies to local postal services
- Local postal services or express services in their last mile deliveries
We will do our best to communicate any known delays for freight shipments and our fulfillment center as quickly as possible, keep an eye on #stock_batch_updates in Discord for the most up to date information. Please be patient with parcel carriers this holiday season, they've got their work cut out for them! Rest easy knowing that we will always make sure that you get what you paid for, even if it takes a little longer than hoped.

Lekker Switch update and shipment expectations

Lekker Switch update and shipment expectations
Switches: quality control, batch allocations, new SKUs??
If you have an order for a switch pack that hasn't yet shipped, you've received an email giving you a heads up on the status of your order: the switch packs aren't ready to ship yet.
Here's the rundown of what happened:
- We received feedback from our community that some switches were not completely smooth during the full distance of the keypress. At times, they would "jump" or "skip," particularly when the key is pressed from the corner or while also pushing sideways.
- A root cause investigation was completed, and we determined that (unapproved) changes were made to the switch mold that negatively affected quality for a small (but significant) percentage of switches.
- This issue was most present in the 70pack of L45 switches, and an emergency production was run to fix it: EU-Drop.
- After careful review, we determined that the best course of action was to quarantine and destroy all of the switch packs currently at both fulfillment centers, and produce replacement switches using a new SKU. This makes for a clean break and ensures we only ship the highest quality products. These are batches NA-Replacement and EU-Vervanging.
- There was an additional batch of switches getting ready to be manufactured, EU-Koe and NA-Cow, that got delayed while the investigation was ongoing, but have since been wrapped into the next large switch pack batch.
The decision to quarantine all switch packs caused confusion.
The old switch packs getting quarantined happened while the fulfillment centers were actively working on fulfilling orders. This caused a bit of a mess that needed to get cleaned up and resulted in some orders getting submitted to get fulfilled even though there were not switch packs available with which to fulfill them.
This has since been cleaned up.
All switch packs in individual orders have been reassigned to the new SKU and have been reallocated to the earliest delivering switch packs.
For the orders with 70packs of L45s, that were originally allocated to EU-Drop, have also been assigned the new SKU but have maintained the EU-Drop batch allocation. These switches are at the warehouse. However, we need the fulfillment center to swap these packs from the old SKU: SW1-LKR-L45-70P to the new SKU: SW2-LKR-L45-70P
Once the EU fulfillment center swaps the SKUs, the batch will again be listed as delivered and you will receive a notification email that you can (again...) confirm your shipping address and submit your order to get fulfilled.
New orders for switches are now possible.
Now that we have reassigned and reallocated all outstanding preorders, we can allow new orders to be placed.
Shipments start:
EU-Vervanging: 21st of November
EU-Koe: 27th of November
EU-Snoepje: 28th of November
EU-Drop-2: 30th of November
NA-Replacement: 27th of November
NA-Cow: 28th of November
NA-Liquorice-2: 30th of November

Wooting Keyboards IN STOCK?!

Wooting Keyboards IN STOCK?!
In stock? Can it be??
A general update for all Wooting keyboards.
The demand for Wooting keyboards has consistently exceeded supply, a truism ever since the original 60HE Founder's Campaign. Despite scaling production as fast as possible, we have been limited by a number of different bottlenecks over the last two years. Try as we may, we simply could not produce enough keyboards to match the ever-growing interest from gamers across the world.
...until now!
At the time of writing, all layouts/variations of the fullsized Wooting Two HE and the Wooting UwU are in stock in both the US and the EU fulfillment centers, ready for immediate* shipment!
*immediate shipment still requires a couple business days to get packed and shipped, especially with the EU fulfillment center.
But what about the 60HE, you ask?
We have received to our fulfillment centers a tremendous number of 60HEs over the last few weeks.
In the US
NA-Sunbeam has delivered to the warehouse and contains enough keyboards to fulfill every single outstanding preorder. This batch will start shipments tomorrow, and from then there will be stock readily available for at least a couple weeks.
In the EU
There are enough ISO layout keyboards at the warehouse to ship all current preorders and have a good amount of stock left over. That's very close to being true for ANSI layout keyboards as well, but not quite.
That said, with the sheer quantity of pre-orders ready to get shipped, we are limited by the capacity of our EU fulfillment center to get them shipped. We're working closely with our fulfillment center to get as many shipments sent out as quickly as possible, but it will take some time.
How long will stock last?
Tough question to answer, but an important one. Based on current sales rates and the schedule for freight deliveries to our warehouse, we should be able to maintain "in-stock" for the foreseeable future. However, it's difficult to predict how being "in-stock" will impact the sales rate.
How many people are sitting on the sidelines, avoiding the pre-order process, who are now ready to join the team? The short answer is: we don't know how many, but we know it's not zero.
Therefore, it remains true that the sooner you place an order, the sooner you receive it. Once any given batch sells out, new orders will fill into the next batch. If that batch has not yet been delivered to the warehouse, then the system will seamlessly transition into a (short) back-order status.

Overview of all the upcoming batches and productions

Overview of all the upcoming batches and productions
This batch update is formatted a little bit differently than usual. Instead of creating a separate post for different products, I'll be listing each of the upcoming batches for our products and the expected dates by which we expect to start sending shipments.
Please note that these dates are estimates, and can change for any number of reasons. Particularly as we start looking towards the holiday season, expect the dates to be refined the closer they get.
NA-Nebula: currently shipping.
NA-Sun: shipments start 10th of October.
NA-Sunbeam: shipments start the 25th of October.
NA-Pancake: shipments start the 17th of November.
NA-Syrup: shipments start the 5th of December.
EU-Zon: currently shipping.
EU-Zonnestraal: shipments start the 17th of October.
EU-Pannenkoek: shipments start the 26th of October.
EU-Leeuw: shipments start the 14th of November.
EU-Leeuwin: shipments start the 16th of November.
EU-Poedersuiker: shipments start the 21st of November.
EU-Siroop: shipments start the 23rd of November.
NA-House: shipments start the 22nd of October.
NA-Tiger: shipments start the 14th of December.
EU-Huis: shipments start the 17th of October.
EU-Tijger: shipments start the 14th of December.
NA-Cutiepie (air freight): currently shipping.
NA-Cutiepie (sea freight): shipments start the 12th of October.
NA-Brass: currently shipping.
NA-Pebble: shipments start the 4th of January.
EU-Schatje (air freight): currently shipping.
EU-Schatje (sea freight): shipments start the 24th of October.
EU-Brons: currently shipping.
EU-Steentje: shipments start the 28th of November.
NA-Maze: shipments start the 26th of October.
NA-Maze-B2: shipments start the 31st of October.
EU-Doolhof: shipments start the 26th of October.
EU-Doolhof-B2: shipments start the 31st of October.
Detachable Cables
NA-Turn: shipments start the 12th of October.
NA-Rotation: shipments start the 26th of October.
EU-Draai: currently shipping.
EU-Rotatie: shipments start the 17th of October.
Polycarbonate plates
NA-Plate: currently shipping.
NA-Plate-2: shipments start the 8th of November.
EU-Plaat: currently shipping.
EU-Plaat-2: shipments start the 8th of November.
NA-Liquorice: shipments start the 23rd of October.
NA-Cow: shipments start the 26th of October.
EU-Drop: shipments start 12th of October.
EU-Koe: shipments start: the 18th of October.

Update on Lekker switches

Update on Lekker switches
Over the last month or so, we've received reports from a few customers whose Lekker switches aren't perfectly smooth for the full distance of the keypress.
This concern has been investigated at length by our team, and the detailed results of the investigation have been posted over in Discord:
The short story: it turns out that a tiny percentage of switches have an unlucky combination of regular manufacturing tolerances that cause unwanted behavior. We have made the determination that the best course of action is to continue shipping switch packs and keyboards with these switches and aggressively resolve any cases of suboptimal switches via the standard warranty process.
New switches are getting manufactured that have slight tweaks designed to reduce the chance that this defect can occur. If the switch pack in your order is allocated to one of these batches listed here, these are the new switches. To be clear: 99+% of the "old switches" are perfectly fine. But for the 1% that experience this issue, replacements will be sent using this upcoming batch.
These switches finished getting manufactured yesterday, and quality control will check them today. These switches will travel via air freight to our fulfillment centers in the EU and the US, allowing shipments for orders that include them to start on:
EU-Drop: 12th of October
EU-Koe: 18th of October
NA-Liquorice: 23rd of October
NA-Cow: 26th of October

Detachable Cables update and shipping expectations

Detachable Cables update and shipping expectations
We're wrapping up the production of the new Wooting Detachable Cables!
The manufacturer will complete them by Monday the 25th of September, and quality control is expected to be completed on the 26th of September.
Once they pass QC testing, we can initiate the freight shipments to each of our fulfillment centers.
For each of the upcoming batches, we can start shipments on...
EU-Draai: 12th of October
EU-Rotatie: 17th of October
NA-Turn: 12 of October
NA-Rotation: 26th of October
We're thrilled that so many people are interested in these cables, and we've heard your feedback that you want more color options! Critically, we completely missed a white version of the detachable cable... Whoops! A white cable is definitely going to happen, once we work out precisely what shade of white is best. Additionally, we've heard the roar from our community asking for cable colors that match the upcoming Alumaze60. In retrospect, we probably should have launched with those color options available... We're hard at work getting new color options sampled and confirmed, but it'll take a couple months before those are ready to ship.

PC plate update and shipping expectations

PC plate update and shipping expectations
The Polycarbonate plates with compatibility for screw-in stabilizers are almost ready!
Production has completed, quality control tests have been passed, and the plates are on their way to our two fulfillment centers.
Shipments can start on...
EU-Plaat: 5th of October
EU-Plaat-2: 8th of November
NA-Plate: 5th of October
NA-Plate-2: 8th of November

Alumaze60 update and shipping expectations

Alumaze60 update and shipping expectations
We're thrilled at how much excitement and interest there is for the Alumaze60! Preorders have been open for a little while now, and while customers haven't gotten their hands on them quite yet, we have been listening closely to the feedback from the community.
One of the comments we heard loud and clear: why doesn't the Alumaze60 come with case foam? The answer was that typically, cases don't come with foam, that the stock foam included with the keyboard does the job just fine. However, if our goal is to make the best possible product for your modding desires, then we should include a case foam that is the perfect size for use with the Alumaze60. So that's what we're going to do!
Want to learn more about the decision and why we made it? Check out this Youtube video:
Unfortunately, since the first batch of Alumaze60 had already been produced, this meant that we needed to hold off on the freight shipment until the factory could receive the foam sheets and add them to all of the cases. For them to do this rework and then initiate the freight shipment would push back customer deliveries about three weeks.
For each of the upcoming batches, we expect the Alumaze60 to be at the warehouse in time to start shipments on...
EU-Doolhof: 19th of October
EU-Doolhof-B2: 25th of October
NA-Maze: 19th of October
NA-Maze-B2: 25th of October

Autumn 60HE batches shipping from the EU

Autumn 60HE batches shipping from the EU
Over the next few weeks, several batches of 60HEs will deliver to our EU fulfillment center. By the end of October, we may even have the 60HE in-stock and ready for immediate shipments! Based on current projections, it looks like we'll have the ISO layout in-stock, but perhaps not ANSI layout. Remember, keyboards get allocated out of the earliest available batch at the time of purchase, so the sooner you place your order, the sooner it delivers.
Shipments start the 3rd of October
As a direct result of the war outbreak between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and the closure of the airspace above those nations, air freight shipments out of China to Europe are very chaotic. EU-Zon is affected by this, having experienced multiple flight cancellations and reshuffling of schedules.
Our best available information at the time of writing is:
1) Flight will depart China on the 23rd of September, deliver to Schiphol warehouse on the next Monday.
2) Clear customs and truck to our fulfillment center by Thursday.
3) Be received and made available for individual shipments by the following Tuesday, the 3rd of October.
This is approximately a one week delay, and this means that the keyboards will also be ready on the same day that UwU shipments start. Our intention is to submit orders of both keyboards and keypads simultaneously, in the way that our fulfillment center has communicated makes it most efficient for them to process all of the shipments.
Shipments start the 17th of October
These keyboards have just passed the quality control checks, and passed with flying colors! The freight shipment is getting prepared. Due to the situation described under EU-Zon, we've added a few extra days to the delivery estimate. It may be that the current chaos in the freight market sorts itself out, in which case these keyboards may be ready a few days earlier than currently listed. Alternatively, there's a chance that the situation escalates. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding.
Shipments start: the 31st of October
These keyboards are expected to finish production next week, and the quality control checks will be completed shortly thereafter, followed by the initiation of the freight shipment. We've allocated an extra week for the freight shipment, for the reasons listed above.

Autumn 60HE batches in the US

Autumn 60HE batches in the US
Over the next month, a series of batches will deliver to our US fulfillment center in quick succession. We expect that by the end of October, we'll have 60HEs in-stock and readily available for immediate shipment!
However... We've said that before, only for the sales rate to increase as wait times reduced, and never actually actually achieved "in-stock..." Keyboards get allocated to an order at the time of purchase, so the earlier the order gets placed, the sooner it will ship and deliver.
Shipments start: 26th of September
These keyboards have arrived at our warehouse today and are currently being readied for individual shipments! We expect them to be ready by Monday evening next week, so we'll open up the address confirmations Tuesday morning.
Shipments start: 10th of October
These keyboards have been manufactured and are currently floating on a container ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. We expect them to deliver to our warehouse in plenty of time to achieve the delivery dates listed in your Wooting Hub.
Shipments start: 25th of October
These keyboards have just completed getting manufactured, and have passed the quality control checks! Freight shipment will start next week, and typically takes about 4 weeks to deliver to our fulfillment center in the US.
Shipments start: 31st of October
The next batch of keyboards to get manufactured is expected to finish production on the 25th of September, after which we'll have the quality assurance team do their checks, then initiate the freight shipments.

UwU Freight shipments and last-mile shipments

UwU Freight shipments and last-mile shipments
EU-Schatje (air freight)
The air freight shipment for UwUs was booked, confirmed, and ready to go, but right as we approach the finish line... A geopolitical wrench gets thrown at us: the Azerbaijan and Armenian conflict has escalated to outright war and the airspace above those nations has been closed down.
Ever since Russian airspace closed to commercial air travel, the most used transit corridor for flights between Asia and Europe is directly over these two nations. As a result, the flight that EU-Schatje was going to take got cancelled. We've needed to get the freight shipment requoted and rebooked (for 30% higher price, GUH) and comes with nearly a week delay.
The situation is still evolving, and until it's "wheel's up" on the air freight shipment, we can't be 100% sure that the following dates will be achieved, but this is the best expectation we have at this moment:
Air freight departs on either Friday the 22nd or Saturday the 23rd, and delivers to the interim warehouse at Schiphol by Monday the 25th.
The shipment then clears customs and gets trucked to our fulfillment center to get delivered by Thursday the 28th.
The fulfillment center receives the pallets and prepares them for individual shipments in time to:
Start shipments on Tuesday, the 3rd of October
EU-Schatje (sea freight)
The freight shipment has been initiated, but the shipping schedule we were quoted was not optimal. While we did have a little extra room in the freight shipment planning, our past experiences with shipments to the EU suggest that it is likely for the boat to get delayed at one or more of the port of calls ahead of Rotterdam, and as such we have updated the shipment date to:
Start shipments on Tuesday, the 24th of October.
NA-Cutiepie (air freight)
The air freight shipment heading to the US flew the other direction and was unaffected by the geopolitical turmoil. After a quick stop in Alaska and then onto Los Angeles, the UwUs have been unloaded and have cleared customs. It should deliver to our fulfillment center today or tomorrow, at which point they'll make it ready for individual shipments in time to:
Start shipments on Monday the 25th of September.
NA-Cutiepie (sea freight)
These UwUs are on track to:
Start shipments on Tuesday, the 10th of October.
EU-Brons and NA-Brass
Unfortunately the brass case won't be ready at the warehouse in time for the very first UwU shipments. The short story is that we made the decision to add an extra coating on the brass case to ensure we make the best possible product. More details are shared in the update video:
We expect the brass cases to be at our US fulfillment center in time to:
Start shipments on Tuesday, the 3rd of October.
In the EU, it's a little bit more up in the air, so to speak, but the current expectation is for them to be available in time to:
Start shipments on Thursday, the 5th of October.

Nevel and Nebula on the way to our warehouse

Nevel and Nebula on the way to our warehouse
Quick update for the folks waiting for NA-Nebula or EU-Nevel!
The keyboards have completed manufacturing, and have passed the quality control testing! They are now starting their freight journeys to our US and NL fulfillment centers.
We are on track to meet the estimated shipment days listed on the Wooting Hub!
New orders for ANSI and ISO keyboards in both regions are still filling into Nevel/Nebula. If you're waiting to order, make sure to get it placed before this batch fills up!
Shipments start the 12th of September
Shipments start the 23rd of September

Wooting Two HEs on the way!

Wooting Two HEs on the way!
The next batch of full sized Wooting Two HE keyboards have been manufactured, quality control has been approved, and are currently in transit to our respective US and NL fulfillment centers!
Shipments start: 24th of August
Shipments start: 12th of September
Based on current sales rates, we expect that we'll be fully caught up on preorders at the time that the keyboards are ready to ship. In the US we expect to have some keyboards available for immediate purchase and shipment once this batch delivers. In the EU it looks like ISO layout keyboards will be in stock for at least a couple weeks, while ANSI layout keyboards will probably not.
As always, when you place an order you will get assigned the earliest available batch for each of the products in your order. Don't miss catching this batch by waiting for it to arrive to the warehouse before you order!
Looking forward...
The next batch of W2HEs after Mint/Munt will be EU-Huis and NA-House. These are expected to finish getting manufactured on the 15th of September, with freight shipments to deliver to the respective fulfillment centers around the middle of October.

UwU operational update

UwU operational update
The Nuts and Bolts
UwU production timings and shipment expectations
The UwUs are moving forward from what was originally an idealistic fantasy into becoming a real product on your desk! We've experienced challenges along the way, but nothing that we can't overcome. To follow the story from the beginning, check out the Wooting Blog posts:
Mass production delayed, DVT & What to Expect
This batch update is to communicate the most current expectations and dates for when we expect to achieve the remaining milestones, up to and including the delivery to your front door. Please note that while these estimates are becoming more precise the closer we get to delivery, they are still estimates and they can change.
Mass Production
In the update video, Calder stated that we expect mass production to complete by the end of August. This expectation is accurate, but it is ambitious. Therefore, internally we want to add a little bit of wiggle room - just to be safe. Specifically, we've listed the manufacturer ready date as the 8th of September.
Freight Shipments
Once all the UwUs have been manufactured, they need to get trucked to a freight forwarder's warehouse. The freight forwarder then brings the UwUs to the airport and the seaport for the respective air freight and sea freight shipments. This takes a couple days to complete.
From there, the transit via airplane or cargo ships can be completed. The plane ride itself doesn't take long, the sea freight does take quite a while. In both cases, we are reliant on catching the next cargo shipment. Sometimes we can sneak into the queue right before the cargo gets loaded and it only takes a day or two, but sometimes we just barely miss the boat and have to wait until the next flight or ship. These freight schedules change very frequently, including as late as a couple days before departure.
Our experience has told us to err on the side of caution, and give a full two weeks timeframe for air freight and at least four weeks for sea freight. We've listed the delivery date to the warehouse as the 22nd of September for air freight, and the 9th of October for sea freight.
Historically, sea freight shipments to the EU have been more likely to get delayed because the cargo ships stop at many ports in the Mediterranean and Atlantic coast before arriving in Rotterdam. In the US, the boat goes straight to the Port of Los Angeles.
After arriving at port, whether airport or seaport, the UwUs are then trucked to our two fulfillment centers.
Last-Mile shipments
We've communicated to both our US and EU fulfillment centers that as soon as these freight shipments arrive, to receive the inventory as quickly as possible, so that the UwUs can be ready for individual shipments ASAP.
Optimistically, we think that the warehouses can have the UwUs ready to start shipments on the 25th of September for air freight and the 10th of October for sea freight.
From that point, it'll take a day or two to get all the orders packed and shipped, with each last-mile shipping method has a different expected shipping time. For more information on the estimated timeframes for each shipping method, check out these two help articles:
My Pre-Order is Ready to Ship... Now What?
Wooting Hub Estimates
All of the above dates are reflected in the delivery estimate shown on your Wooting Hub, including accounting for your specific last-mile shipping method.

Update on upcoming 60HE batches in the EU

Update on upcoming 60HE batches in the EU
Wooting 60HE in the EU
This update will provide the status of the next six batches of 60HEs that are scheduled to deliver to our EU fulfillment center.
This batch is ready to go and is currently shipping! If you haven't yet confirmed your shipping address via the Wooting Hub, please do so. Otherwise, the remainder of the orders in this batch will be automatically shipped during the week of the 24th of July.
New orders for ISO keyboards are currently being allocated to this batch, though the ANSI keyboards are getting allocated to the next batch.
The keyboards in this batch have completed manufacturing, got the stamp of approval from quality assurance, and the freight shipments have been scheduled.
We expect that the remaining ISO keyboards in this batch will be allocated to orders well before this batch arrives to the fulfillment center.
Shipments start: the 22nd of August
The first keyboards allocated to this batch date back to the end of June, specifically ANSI layout keyboards. Indeed, all of the ANSI keyboards in this batch got allocated to orders as we experienced an explosion of interest out of Japan!
Wooting ファミリーへようこそ!
To attempt to rebalance the keyboard allocations, we've redirected the entirety of NA-Asteroid to get shipped to the EU instead, which doubled the size of this batch. Before we could execute on that swap, some orders got allocated keyboards out of the next batch, EU-Nevel. All of these orders were reallocated back into EU-Asteroide, so make sure to double check your batch!
The manufacturer ready date for this batch is the 31st of July, at which point they will begin their freight shipment to our EU fulfillment center.
Despite having effectively doubled the size of this batch, the ANSI keyboards will be fully allocated to orders long before the freight arrives to our fulfillment center. It may be the case that when this batch delivers, ISO layout keyboards will be in stock for a short time.
Shipments start: the 31st of August
Once all of the keyboards in EU-Asteroide get allocated, new orders will be assigned a keyboard out of the next batch, EU-Nevel.
These keyboards are expected to finish manufacturing on the 18th of August, at which point they will begin their freight shipment to our EU fulfillment center.
Once this batch delivers to our warehouse, we expect to have a healthy in-stock level of ISO layout keyboards and be able to consistently sell directly from available inventory. This is not expected to be the case with ANSI-layout keyboards.
Shipments start: the 12th of September
Right on the heels of EU-Nevel, we've got EU-Zon getting manufactured.
The manufacturer ready date for this batch is the 25th of August, at which point they will begin their freight shipment to our EU fulfillment center.
It is possible that when this batch delivers, there will be a brief, fleeting moment when the ANSI layout keyboards will be in stock.
Shipments start: the 26th of September
The next batch after EU-Zon is EU-Zonnestraal, coming just a week and a half later.
The manufacturing ready date is the 8th of September, with the freight shipment occurring shortly thereafter.
Based on current sales rate projections, we expect that once this batch delivers to have both ISO and ANSI layout keyboards in stock, though the stock level likely won't be enough to stay in-stock through the next batch delivery.
Shipments start: the 10th of October

Update on upcoming 60HE batches in the US

Update on upcoming 60HE batches in the US
Wooting 60HE in the US
This update will provide the status of the next five batches of 60HEs that are scheduled to deliver to our US fulfillment center.
This batch is almost at the warehouse! The keyboards have arrived in the Port of Los Angeles and are currently en route to our fulfillment center in Las Vegas. They are expected to deliver to the warehouse on Tuesday the 25th, at which point they will need to be received and checked in as available inventory. This typically takes a couple days.
Shipments start: the 27th of July
New orders for the 60HE in the US are currently being allocated to this batch. We expect this batch to be fully allocated before it delivers to our warehouse.
These keyboards have completed manufacturing, got the stamp of approval from quality assurance, and the freight shipment has been scheduled!
Unfortunately, we've just barely missed the boat for the freight shipment to the US. Assuming that we're able to get a slot on the next shipment, this puts the arrival to our warehouse on the 24th of August. This pushes back the estimated delivery date for these orders about a week. If for any reason the keyboards don't make it on the next ship, we'll provide that as an additional update by the 1st of August. If you don't see that follow up by then, you can assume the keyboards are on the way and all is well.
Shipments start: the 28th of August
Once the current batch NA-Crater gets fully allocated, new orders will be assigned a keyboard from NA-Nebula.
These keyboards are expected to finish manufacturing on the 18th of August, at which point they will begin their freight shipment to our US fulfillment center.
Shipments start: the 26th of September
Right on the heels of NA-Nebula we've got NA-Sun getting manufactured.
The manufacturer ready date for this batch is the 25th of August, at which point they will begin their freight shipment to our US fulfillment center.
Once this batch of keyboards delivers to our warehouse, we expect to have a healthy in-stock level and be able to consistently sell directly from available inventory.
Shipments start: the 3rd of October
The next batch after NA-Sun is NA-Sunbeam, coming just a week and a half later.
The manufacturing ready date is the 8th of September, with the freight shipment occurring shortly thereafter.
If we aren't in stock in the US by the time this batch delivers, then I'll be amazed - these batches are huuuge!
Shipments start: the 10th of October.

Update on upcoming fullsized W2HE in the EU

Update on upcoming fullsized W2HE in the EU
Fullsized Wooting Two HE in the EU
This update will provide the status of the previous batch EU-Koffie, the current batch EU-Mint, and the next batch EU-Huis.
This batch of W2HEs has just been completed, with orders in this batch having been shipped out!
If you haven't received your order yet, it should be delivering soon. Enjoy!
New orders for the W2HE in the EU are currently filling into EU-Munt, both for ANSI layout and ISO layout.
The production of these keyboards is expected to finish on the 3rd of August, at which point they will begin their freight shipment to our EU fulfillment center.
At the current sales rate, we expect that once this batch of W2HE arrives, we will be in stock and keyboards available for immediate shipments for a short time. The ISO units are expected to stay in stock through the arrival of the next batch, but the ANSI units may fall back into a preorder status prior to EU-Huis arriving.
Shipments start: the 24th of August
Once all of the keyboards in EU-Munt (for either layout) get allocated to orders, new orders will fill into EU-Huis.
The production of these keyboards is expected to finish on the 15th of September, at which point they will begin their freight shipment to our EU fulfillment center.
Once this batch arrives to the warehouse, we expect to have a healthy in-stock level for both ANSI and ISO keyboards and be able to consistently sell directly from available inventory.
Shipments start: the 15th of October

Update on upcoming fullsized W2HE in the US

Update on upcoming fullsized W2HE in the US
Fullsized Wooting Two HE in the US
This update will provide the status of the previous batch NA-Coffee, the current batch NA-Mint, and the next batch NA-House.
This batch of W2HE has just been completed, with orders in this batch having been shipped out!
If you haven't received your order yet, it should be delivering soon.
New orders for the W2HE in the US are currently filling into NA-Mint.
The production of these keyboards is scheduled to finish on the 3rd of August, at which point they will begin their freight shipment to our US fulfillment center.
At the current sales rate, we expect that once this batch of W2HE arrives, we will be in stock and keyboards available for immediate shipments for a short time.
Shipments start: the 12th of September
Once all the keyboards in NA-Mint get allocated to orders, new orders will fill into NA-House.
The production of these keyboards is scheduled to finish on the 15th of September, at which point they will begin their freight shipment to our US fulfillment center.
Once this batch arrives to the warehouse, we expect to have a healthy in-stock level and be able to consistently sell directly from available inventory.
Shipments start: the 15th of October

Upcoming batch of W2HEs finished production and passed QC with flying colors!

Upcoming batch of W2HEs finished production and passed QC with flying colors!
The newest batch of full-sized Wooting Two HEs have finished production and have passed the quality control testing with flying colors!
We specifically tested the new kickstand foot design to ensure that they work as intended, and we're pleased to report that this is the case! With this new design, we expect the feet to be more durable over the life of the keyboard. Thanks for your patience while these new feet were formed from the new mold, we know that having the estimated delivery date pushed back is never a fun experience. While this update is a small tweak to the overall product, we're always looking at ways to incrementally improve our products to ensure that you can enjoy them for many years to come!
Now that the production is complete and QC complete, the freight shipments can be initiated to get these keyboards to our warehouse as soon as possible. We expect that it will take about three weeks to deliver to our fulfillment centers in the Netherlands and in the US. Once delivered to the warehouse, the pallets of keyboards will be prepared for individual shipments, and your order can be shipped to your front door.
Shipments are expected to start: 4th of July, 2023
Shipments are expected to start: 6th of July, 2023
Note: with the Independence Day holiday in the US, it's possible that our fulfillment center takes longer than normal to receive the bulk pallets and prepare them for individual shipments. While this holiday doesn't typically experience a big rush in shipments, it's definitely the case that lots of employees will be wanting to take vacations around this time.
Be sure to sign up for Discord notifications for this batch via the Wooting Hub so that you can be notified the moment that the address confirmation system opens up!

Introductory update for the upcoming 60HE batches in the US

Introductory update for the upcoming 60HE batches in the US
A quick update for our newest 60HE batches, scheduled for production this summer!
For each of these batches, I'll list the planned manufacturer ready date. This is the date on which the batch finishes getting manufactured. Note that these dates are not necessarily set in stone, but are a good approximation.
From there, the batch needs to be inspected by the quality assurance team, prepared for the bulk freight shipment, and then travel from the manufacturer to our US fulfillment center. This process can take anywhere between three and eight weeks, depending on lots of different factors including freight schedules.
Once each batch arrives at the fulfillment center, they will prepare the bulk pallets for individual shipments. Once everything is ready to go, last-mile shipments to your front door can begin!
Manufacturer ready date: 16th of June, 2023
Manufacturer ready date: 24th of July, 2023
Manufacturer ready date: 31st of July, 2023
Manufacturer ready date: 15th of August, 2023
Manufacturer ready date:15th of September, 2023

Introductory update for upcoming 60HE batches in the EU

Introductory update for upcoming 60HE batches in the EU
A quick update for our newest 60HE batches, scheduled for production this summer!
For each of these batches, I'll list the planned manufacturer ready date. This is the date on which the batch finishes getting manufactured. Note that these dates are not necessarily set in stone, but are a good approximation.
From there, the batch needs to be inspected by the quality assurance team, prepared for the bulk freight shipment, and then travel from the manufacturer to our EU fulfillment center. This process can take anywhere between three and eight weeks, depending on lots of different factors including freight schedules.
Once each batch arrives at the fulfillment center, they will prepare the bulk pallets for individual shipments. Once everything is ready to go, last-mile shipments to your front door can begin!
Manufacturer ready date: June 19th, 2023
Manufacturer ready date: 24th of July, 2023
Manufacturer ready date: 31st of July, 2023
Manufacturer ready date: 15th of August, 2023
Manufacturer ready date: 15th of September, 2023