2024 Recap
As 2024 comes to an end, we look back at a great year filled with trials, triumphs and memorable moments. Here are some of its highlights.
The Wooting 80HE
After Calder accidentally leaked our big announcement preemptively during the 2023 end-of-year livestream, we officially announced the 80HE (during that same livestream). The design for the 80HE got some heat and after going through online comments and doing a poll, we changed it, moving the arrow keys to better align with other keys. Calder leaking the 80HE.
80HE: Founders’ campaign
During the Founders' campaign, 23,355 founders raised €7,452,597 in just 32 days. An absolute record! To commemorate all the founders that helped make the 80HE a reality, their names are listed on the 80HE founders page. Here’s the video Calder made right after the Founder’s campaign had ended.
80HE: production challenges
There was no time to celebrate, though. With so many people pre-ordering, we had a keyboard to make! I remember Calder saying: “things are going almost too smoothly”, and man was he right. Shortly after starting production, there was an issue with the ICC chip. We took a step back, halted production, found the cause and fixed it. Here are the two in depth videos on the issue and the fix: Problem and a Fix. And of course the 4-part factory tour we made this year. This is how we cook, when everything is smooth sailing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1bJWdA2vMc&t
Wootstock ‘24
The Wooting team consists of people from all over the world, and although our digital ecosystem perfectly facilitates teamwork, it’s important to come together every once in a while and meet each other face to face. That’s why in September, the whole team got together in the Netherlands for a couple of days. I have to say, I think we really grew as a team.
Looking back, Woodstock ‘24 was the calm before the storm, because soon after, the first batch of 80HE’s was ready to be shipped. Calder and Erik went live from Wootstock ‘24.

Evolving Customer Support
One of the big challenges in 2024 was dealing with the increased amount of incoming support requests. Offering better support isn’t just about having more people to handle tickets (although it is a crucial element). We also need systems that support the support team. That’s why we launched a new support wizard to help organize support requests and provide you with valuable information. Although it can sometimes be painful to read online comments addressing our customer support, it drives us to keep improving and innovating. So thank you all for your feedback! Here’s the video Calder made addressing customer support.
The Rappy Snappy Tappy saga
While we were finishing our new feature: Rappy Snappy, Razer introduced Snap Tap, which added a kind of null-bind script to their latest keyboard. Although null-bind scripts are forbidden in games like CS2, people seemed to like it. So we got to work and added a similar feature with some extra settings to all our keyboards. We called it ‘Snappy Tappy’. Read all about it here: https://wooting.io/post/rappy-snappy-tappy)
Or watch this great video by Optimum on the whole SOCD saga:
Project Optimum
Speaking of Optimum. Over the years, YouTube tech reviewer Optimum Tech has been giving us a lot of love. The review video’s he made on our 60HE were outstanding. He really knew what he was talking about, and by shining a light on Wooting, he contributed to our rise. We just had to return the favor. So we built Optimum’s dream keyboard: a case and keycap set with minimal branding, neutral aesthetic and premium materials in an overall minimalistic design. Definitely one of the 2024 highlights! Check it out if you haven't.
Lekker V2 switch
2024 was also the year the Lekker switch got an update. Our aim was to eliminate the rattle and improve the sound and feel. Here’s Sander telling you all about the Lekker V2:
The Wooting Community
There’s a lot to say about the growth our community on Discord went through. Led by Raquel, the community grew in numbers passing 100k(!), but also became a lot more active. Right now, the Discord server has 133,200 members. So if you haven’t yet, you should definitely check it out: https://discord.gg/wooting
Wootility v5
Although this topic should be a lot higher up this summary, it’s still in beta. Designed by Pola and built by Simon and his team, Wootility v5 is going to be amazing. V5 gives you a more intuitive experience, new features and so much more. This storyline will be continued in 2025. Read all about Wootility v5 here.
Try out the Wootility v5 Beta here: https://beta.wootility.io/

It’s going to be great,
