Wooting SOCD
July 24, 2024

SOCD our implementation of Snap tap

Wootility SOCD Beta: https://beta.wootility.io/

 made it clear that everyone needs cheats. Mass riots started to appear, so we had no choice! We added legal cheats in the Wootility: SOCD. It’s similar to Snap Tap, but then implemented better with more options.Simultaneous Opposing Cardinal Directions (SOCD) is the physical actuation of separate and opposite moving keys (i.e. Left - Right, Up - Down). SOCD Resolution tells the device what to output when SOCD occurs.We added 3:- Last input priority (similar to Snap Tap)- Absolute priority (Choose 1 direction to always prioritize)- Neutral (Input nothing)We added a Wooting twist to it. You can have a SOCD Resolution and also output both keys when they a both pressed to the end.

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