Founders' campaign ended
The Wooting 80HE Founders’ Campaign has come to an end, and we are blown away by the sheer amount of founders that supported the Wooting 80HE! We will continue to do everything we can to make impactful products together with you.
During the Founders' campaign, 23,355 founders raised €7,452,597 in just 32 days. To all the founders: Thank you for your support! The Wooting 80HE will now be available for normal pre-orders.
We're Wooting
Our journey
We started as three gamers from the Netherlands that got fed up with the terrible customer communication by “gaming” companies. We knew we could do better. So we started Wooting, a company that’s solely focused on developing game changing keyboards, driven by our most important stakeholders: you.
Our first keyboard was crowdfunded and released in 2016, the Wooting one. Over the years we’ve developed and mass produced multiple other keyboards. But things really started catching on after we released the Wooting 60HE and gamers discovered our ‘Rapid Trigger’ feature, giving them a winning edge.
Fast forward to today, Wooting has over 30 employees and a discord community with more than 80.000 members stakeholders. It’s you and us challenging the industry together.
This is us

We operate fully remote and don't have an office space. This is the last time we were together in 2023. Note not the whole team is present on this picture.